5 days post surgery - feeling awful


Just wondering if anyone else has been in this position and has any advice. I’m 5 days post surgery after having my right tube and ectopic pregnancy removed. The pain of the wounds is getting better each day but I’ve been feeling so ill since yesterday afternoon - Feel sick, dizzy, really weak, tired, and my heart is racing all the time, keep going hot and cold, but no fever. I went into EPU yesterday and they took bloods and urine and said they’re fine and sent me home to rest, but I’m really paranoid that something else is going on and they’ve missed it, perhaps internal bleeding or a complication from surgery that they’re not paying attention to or something.

Any help or advice welcome, thank you.

I was really anxious after surgery and kept calling the hospital, I was so worried I was still internally bleeding as was loosing blood, but they said to me as long as I wasn’t going threw a pad an hour and didn’t have temperature then was ok I think it is so worrying after surgery because nobody tells you how your going to feel mine was 3 weeks ago and only this week I have been out and about but in bed again to with stomach ache don’t know what is right but all we can do is support each other or go back and get checked if really worried. Sending lots of love

Thanks so much for your reply. It’s horrible isn’t it the aftercare doesn’t seem to be very supportive from my hospital anyway, I feel like a pain keep calling them asking questions. I’m feeling less dizzy and sick now so wondering if I possibly had a bug as well as recovering from surgery but who knows.

My hospital haven’t offered any follow up blood tests to check hcg has gone to zero and there’s no tissue left behind, has yours?

me and my wife have very recently gone through this trauma. my wife has 3-5 days bleeding post ectopic laparoscopy. when we called NHS they told bleeding is quite normal for a week post laparoscopy. if it is really major then you need to get in touch with NHS.

it is quite natural to feel this kind of emotions. it won’t be internal bleeding, because since they have already monitored your blood results. if there is some problem they will know in the blood tests.

if you experience any fever symptoms contact local GP and explain everything, most likely they will check for urine infection and give you antibiotics. fever will go away.

Same with shoulder tip pain, if you experience this take some gas relief medication from local GP.