Second ectopic pregnancy

I had my left tube remoged due to a ruptured ectopic in 2022, i then fell pregnant december 23 and i now have a beautiful 4 month old. We found out beginning of December this year i was pregnant again. It was a shock, but i started spotting not long after a&e advised antibiotics and early pregnancy bleeding. 3 weeks later its now confirmed ectopic and have multiple hospital trips. Ive had spotting / bleeding on and off for 3 weeks and pain in my right side. The hospital are holding off to use the injection but how long can the possibly hold off for.
This is doing no good for my mental health especially having a 4month old to look after too

Dear Amy,
I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy loss.
In the UK, there are usually 3 treatment paths for ectopic pregnancy. The chosen treatment depends upon the hCG levels, if there is any internal bleeding and how clinically well you are.

  1. Expectant management. This sounds like the treatment path you are on. Your hCG levels should be reducing by themselves. The downside of this treatment method is that it can take a while, sometimes up to 6 weeks for the levels to go back to normal. The advantage is that you don’t have the side effects of the drug methotrexate and you don’t have to take folic acid suppliments for 12weeks before trying to conceive again.
  2. Medical management with methotrexate. This drug is used to try and avoid an invasive surgical procedure. The downside is it again, can take up to 6 weeks for the hCG levels to go down. People can be quite shocked at how tired it makes them feel and you need to avoid strong sunlight and alcohol. You need to take folic acid supplements for 12 weeks before trying to conceive.
  3. Surgery. To remove the affected part of the fallopian tube along with the pregnancy or (more commonly) the whole fallopian tube. This method is usually used if the hCG levels are high, if there is evidence of internal bleeding or if you are unwell. Recovery can be lengthy, up to 6 weeks and there maybe complications as with any surgical procedure.
    We have more information on our website here
    If the chosen treatment method is affecting your mental health, i would discuss other options with your medical team, but do read up on the side effects of each, as things like lifting a 4month old after surgery may be very difficult.
    We are here for you to continue to lean on for as long as you need.
    Sending much love,
    Karen x