I was directed to this website by my nurse and have found it so helpful to scroll through during my sleepless nights.
Last week I had emergency surgery after being admitted via ambulance due to a rupture at 7-8 weeks pregnant. I didn’t know it was ectopic and had never heard of this before. I had my left fallopian tube removed and was told after there was a risk I would have needed a full hysterectomy. I lost 5 litres of blood internally and almost died. Staff said they had never seen someone survive blood loss like that before and I am just so grateful to be here but absolutely terrified.
I was home alone when major symptoms started and I had to call the ambulance. I thought I was going to die waiting and passed out before they arrived, I came to while being blue-lighted to the hospital and it was the most terrifying experience of my life. Being rushed through and straight into theatre. I was in intensive care for a few days afterwards and had to have other blood transfusion after leaving ICU and being moved to the gynae ward.
I hadn’t even heard of an ectopic pregnancy before this day. I was 7-8 weeks pregnant with a very badly wanted baby and I’m so heartbroken about that but also struggling to come to terms with the trauma of the near death experience, this happening while alone, my partner thinking he had lost me as well as our baby etc. as well as the physical recovery. I’m utterly exhausted and still very sore. I was told the internal bleeding will have irritated my organs as they were saturated with blood and I have absolutely zero energy, which may be due to the fact that almost all the blood in my body is new and I’m adjusting to it.
It was such a terrifying experience I’m just feeling so overwhelmed and afraid of the world. I was in hospital for 8 days and I cried when I had to leave as it was a little safety bubble for me. I felt so safe there and I just feel like an anxious mess at home, even though I have the most amazing, supportive partner and my mum is also staying with us for a while to support us both and she’s been a huge support.
I suppose I’m just wanted to vent and see if anyone can relate. I also wondered if anyone had suggestions of where to go for counselling and what I should seek? I’m in Scotland. I don’t mind paying for private but would prefer something nhs to save money if possible. I’ve had talk therapy/counselling before, for other reasons. Most important for me is that they have understanding of what I’ve gone through and can help me manage it. I don’t know what other types of therapy are available/would be best or who I need to contact. I am already having flashbacks and panic attacks and bursting into tears and think I will end up with post traumatic stress.
I just feel so overwhelmed and alone at the minute as no one really understands - even though I’m not and have so much love and support, and my partner has his own trauma to work through as he has also had an incredibly difficult time. Is there anything available for partners as I worry about him too?
Sorry for the novel, thanks for reading if you have made it this far. I feel a little better already for writing it down. Xx