Pregnant TWO MONTHS After ectopic

Hey ladies I’m so scared I’ve just found out I’m pregnant again after only two months of having an ectopic pregnancy which I had surgery has anyone feel pregnant only 2 months after and had a successful pregnancy & healthy baby ? I want to be happy but can’t help but be really scared

Hi. I have ectopic and tube removed in August and found out on Friday I am pregnant. I was only 4 weeks in mon just gone. I am so scared it will happen again as I’ve had a few niggly feelings both sides of my stomach. The only thing that’s keeping me going is that I’ve had no spotting this time compared to ectopic. I called the epu yesterday and they said I can call back to book in for a 6 week scan next week. I am wishing my life away until then.

How far along do you think you are and how are you feeling in yourself?

Ps congratulations, this is a brilliant thing and we are so lucky to be pregnant again so soon. We must be positive. Xx