I had an ectopic in Aug last year and hadn’t right tube removed after it had ruptured. I’ve recently found out I’m pregnant again and I am beyond anxious. I don’t have any bleeding or abdominal pains just a small amount of dull cramping in the centre. I am acutely aware of every twinge or ache in my body terrified it’s going to happen again. I have felt tingles in my arms not painful and am wondering if this is just my anxiety, praying it is. I want to be excited for this pregnancy and I’m not I am incredibly scared.
I have recently found out that I’m pregnant again after having a ruptured ectopic in March. I am as well very anxious and afraid of every twinge and cramp. I seem to be more aware as well to every ache and pain in my body, I’m glad it isn’t just me. I constantly have in my mind is it another ectopic, hopefully seeing the midwife on Wednesday and getting my scan date will help. Hope everything goes well for you .
Dear Songbird123 and Jade95,
Whispered congratulations on your pregnancies ladies.
After an ectopic pregnancy, finding we are pregnant again can be a mix of emotions and I can completely understand your feeling nervous. It is perfectly normal to feel scared after the ordeal you have endured. I also felt twinges and aches after my ectopic pregnancy, particularly when I next felt pregnant. My mind started racing and I was only really able to relax to some degree after my early scan. It is a nerve-wracking time and you have a friend here who understands how you are feeling.
Following a positive pregnancy test, we advise that you contact your local EPU to inform them and book in for an early scan at around six weeks. Remind them of your previous ectopic pregnancy. This self refer route is the best route in our view. Hopefully you will have some comfort to know you are under the radar of medical professionals right away. If however your local EPU does not accept self referrals, please contact your GP surgery who should arrange this for you.
Whilst I do not wish to alarm either of you if you experience any unusual bleeding, abdominal pain, shoulder tip pain, bladder or bowel problems or feel dizzy and unwell please seek urgent medical advice.
Sending much love and positive thoughts,
Karen x
If we have been able to help you, are you able to help us with a small donation or by volunteering?
Further information is available at www.ectopic.org.uk
Email us at ept@ectopic.org.uk.
Our helpline is 020 7733 2653 (available Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm).
Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team.
Hi jade95 & Karen,
Thanks for your posts it’s so nice to speak to others that have experienced what I’m going through. I went to the doctors yesterday and have been referred to the EPU for the end of next week when I will be 6 weeks, it’s going to be a long week and a half wait. Jade95 prayers that everything goes well for you, let us know how your getting on/feeling. X
I can unserstand your worry and anxiety. I just wanted to say that cramps were my first sign of pregnancy and reason for testing with my 2 childern. I actually didnt have cramps with my ectopic which is why i was sure i wasnt pregnant when my husband mentioned he thought i was. I didnt have pain until about a week and a half after getting bfp. Even then the pain wasnt constant.
Best of luck