Hi everyone,
I am so confused and heartbroken at the moment, I just don’t know what to do.
Just a brief history. I am 32 and my husband is 36. I have a 15 year old daughter from a previous relationship but my husband has no children. We have been together 11 years and in that time have suffered 4 ectopic pregnancies (resulting in the loss of both of my fallopian tubes), 1 failed fresh IVF cycle and are currently going through a failed FET of 2 blastocysts.
3 weeks ago I had my HCG blood test following FET. The result was only 11.4 so I was told it was a chemical pregnancy and to go back the following week for another blood test. 3 days later I started bleeding and had what looked and felt just like a period but with a couple of large clots. I phoned the clinic and they said to do an HPT on the Monday but expect it to be negative. I did the test but it was a very clear positive so I went for the blood test the following day and it had risen to 229 so they told me to go for another HCG test 2 days later. When I went in for the next HCG I mentioned that I had had some discomfort in my upper abdomen so she decided to scan me after taking the blood. She could see that my uterus lining was only at 3.6mm and was empty but she was concerned about something she could see at the bottom of my uterus so referred me to the EPU. They scanned me but confirmed that it was bowel they could see and couldn’t find any evidence or a viable or ectopic pregnancy. My blood test result showed that my HCG had increased again to 339. As I felt well and they couldn’t see anything on the scan they said to go for another blood test in 2 days. This showed another increase to 539. As it was a Saturday she advised me to go back on the Monday for another scan and blood test.
So this brings us to today. They repeated the scan which revealed absolutely nothing. No sign of any pregnancy or internal bleeding. But the blood test has increased to over 900 so I have a pregnancy of unknown location. They have referred my case to the top consultant and will be contacting me in the morning with the plan but they seem just as confused as I am. How can they not see anything? It must be there somewhere! Has anyone else every had this? Other than feeling completley emotionally drained and like someone has really got it in for me, I feel fine. I suspect they will want to give me a methotrexate shot but should I go along with this or get them to keep trying to find it first? I had my last tube removed last year because I was tokd it could improve our chances of IVF success but it looks like it was a complete waste of time. I’m heartbroken, angry and confused.
Thanks for reading.