I’m currently on a horrible rollercoaster of not knowing what is going on with my body or how much I’m at risk. I feel like a ticking time bomb. After 10 days of blood tests and scans and very poor communication from a number of people at the EPU I’m still in limbo with a pregnancy of unknown location. I have very few symptoms - a bit of discomfort in my lower abdomen but no real pain, previous heavy bleeding for 1 day that has now slowed right down and that’s it really. My hcg is bobbing up and down between 345 and 460 - I’ve had 5 blood tests now. I’ve had two internal scans which are completely clear. I’ve seen a consultant and the plan is to wait til Thurs to repeat the hcg and scan and it sounds like they may offer methotrexate if things are still the same. I just don’t know what to expect as there are all these different possibilities and outcomes and noone can really advise what is likely to happen. I understand the difficulty with the diagnosis and the need to avoid invasive surgery if it’s not necessary but I just feel that they’re waiting for something awful to happen. I want to put my faith in the medics and believe they know what they’re doing and wouldn’t put me at risk but at the same time I read lots of stories of people having a clear scan and then going on to have a ruptured tube etc.
It feels like such a long wait and even on Thurs it may still be far from over.
I’m not even sure whether I have a question to ask but I guess it’s whether there is anyone who’s had a similar experience?
Thanks all and sorry that we are all here in the words of circumstances x