Possible adhesion pain 3 years after op

Hi all,

I had an ectopic pregnancy in January 2021, and two c sections (2020/2022). I’m not quite sure when it started, but I’ve had abdominal pain on and off for a few years. It’s quite low down, from belly button down, and sometimes is like period cramps. It’s often made worse if I’m on my feet all day, but also if I’m sitting a lot, at my desk or in a car. For a year I’ve been talking to the GPs, I’ve had a smear and a colonoscopy, and had an internal scan- this last one showed that I had adhesions around where the ectopic was, and the bowel was stuck down. The Dr thought it could be this that caused the pain, and they could operate to remove but this would likely cause more. I’ve tried to get more information on this from the drs or generally online but there seems very little. I feel very depressed that I might have this for life now, and wondered if anyone else suffers from it? Has anyone found exercise or diet to help?

Thank you xx

Dear AJ,

I am so sorry to hear of your continued discomfort,

I am afraid that we are unable to give personalised medical advice and this is not an area of expertise for us.

Having had a review of literature, as you have mentioned there is not much in the way of information regarding adhesions and treatment other than surgery, and most articles discuss the fact that surgery can cause more adhesions.

I did see this information on diet, but I think it is more specifically related to bowel adhesions rather than adhesions in the pelvis affecting the bowel.

https://www.hey.nhs.uk/patient-leaflet/ … adhesions/

I am sorry I cannot be more specific but I would suggest speaking to your medical team or GP about specific advice and treatments.

Sending much love,

Karen x

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