I’m Sally and have been going through a traumatic experience.
I had a positive pregnancy test on the 01 st of June. My LMP was 24/04/16.
Went to the OB/GYN and she ordered a routine scan. No sac was seen. A BHCG was then recommended.
Me levels started at 1036. 48 hours later they were at 2024.
This was on the 3rd of June.
On the 8th of June I started expevidencing a light cramp and brown diacharge. My husband and me rushed to the hospital and they then did a TVS and still found no sac. An ectopic pregnancy was what they thought it to be.
The HCG levels at that point were 2200.
On the 12th of June and ectopic pregnancy was detected as right adnexal mass at 2.0cms. My BHCG at that point was 2849.
Methotrecate was then administerEd on the 12th. The second one on the 15th and the 3rd on the 18th. My levels on the 15th were at 2680.
After the last shot of methotrexate now I started bleeding like a period accompanied with period like cramps. Doctor advised another ultrasound to be safe. The tubal mass has increased to 2.5cms which aparently is normal. My next BHCG is on the 25th of June.
My question to all those who may have gone through a similar situation. Does it look like I’m on the road to recovery? I dread surgery. Really do
Any input would help ease my troubled mind at this point.
Thank you so much.