Hi! So im 7 months post ectopic (started nov 22, discharged end of jan 23). I still have pain around my ectopic site, I’ve had a scan which has come back all clear around ovaries, tubes etc. The pain seems to be like a pinching pain that comes and goes and I’ve noticed it can be worse around ovulation, or when needing the toilet (number 2). I was treated with 1 shot of methotrexate. Has anyone else experienced this ? Tia xxx
Dear Emma,
I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy loss,
Pain following treatment for ectopic pregnancy can be common. It is good that you have had a scan, but I understand frustrating that a cause wasn’t found. Many people, including myself also felt discomfort you are describing when they didn’t before their ectopic pregnancy. Sometimes this settles with time and in other cases (such as mine) pain an discomfort can still be felt around ovulation, and this is 12 years later. Sadly there is little research into why so many of us experience this, so I cannot offer any answers as to a cause. I will however advise to seek medical advice if it worsens or if you are concerned.
Sending much love,
Karen x
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
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Hi Karen, thanks for your reply ! I’m sorry to hear you had the same thing but it is comforting to hear I’m not alone; I do have IBS so I’m wondering if that’s maybe got something to do with it, my body’s been weird the last 7 months and I’ve been back and forth to my gp with no really any answers, awaiting smear test results and then I may request another scan as I am prone to ovarian cysts just to check!
Hey! I have exactly this three years post ectopic and tube removal. There isn’t even a tube there and I get pain. Always if I need a number 2 or ovulating.
I had a child after my ectopic by caesarean and I asked her to look for scar tissue and adhesion and the surgeon said everything was totally normal.
It’s so strange! But I’m right there with you.
Hey! I have exactly this three years post ectopic and tube removal. There isn’t even a tube there and I get pain. Always if I need a number 2 or ovulating.I had a child after my ectopic by caesarean and I asked her to look for scar tissue and adhesion and the surgeon said everything was totally normal.
It’s so strange! But I’m right there with you.
Hey!! Thanks so much for your reply, I can’t believe you still having pains all they years later, how strange ! I didn’t have surgery I was treated with methotrexate, so find it so weird that I have pain! It can be really uncomfortable at times and puts me off trying again as it makes me worry somethings wrong my husbands told me he’ll pay for a private scan just to double check everything and pay for anything else also he’s happy to wait as long as I need, but I just don’t know ! Congratulations on your rainbow baby
If you think a scan would make you feel better then go for it! It could just be you’re more heightened awareness post ectopic x