Hello everyone,
I was hoping to get a little more support from you again.
I sadly had an ectopic pregnancy that was treated with methotrexate 06/07 and on the 04/08 my HCG was below 10 so I was discharged from the EPU care.
Sorry in advance if it to TMI but I stopped bleeding after the methotrexate on 29/07 and have since had a normal period 04/08. I had a few pains on this period from the area that the ectopic was. The nurses said that this is quite normal while the tube is healing after the trauma of the pregnancy.
I have started to feel better however I still have niggling pains in this side. The last couple of days, the pains have been worse. The pain is like a stabbing and uncomfortable but will go away with paracetamol. I can always tell when it’s been nearly 4 hours as the pain will start up again.
I can’t remember what the nurses said about roughly how long it will take the body to recover. I had so much information given at once that it is all still a blur.
I was going to call the EPU to ask their advise, but although mentally I am ok as soon as I talk about anything relating to the pregnancy out loud I break down. I can’t bare the thought of even talking out loud. I’m trying to put a brave face on, but with these pains it’s bringing up all the sadness again.
I was just wondering what other people have experienced with their rehabilitation. How long did you experience pain for?
Could it be pain relating to my monthly cycle.
I’m sorry again for the long post, it sounds silly but this seems like the only place that I can get things off my chest and the forum has been such a help.
I am sorry for everyone who is going through this or been through this as well.
Thank you x