Never thought I’d find myself here but here goes.
On 8th may I had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. This came as a complete surprise to me as i didn’t even know I was pregnant. I only found out once at hospital in immense pain & in a very bad way. I had to have emergency surgery & a blood transfusion. I’m so grateful for all the hospital did but of course am in a state of shock & now uncertainty.
A little about me, I’m 33, I have PCOS, I have been off the pill for 2.5 years, and actively TTC for 13 months. I had a blood test a few months back that indicated I was not ovulating, this coupled with irregular & painful heavy periods led the GP to refer to gynaecology - after waiting 7 months I was due my appointment in April, but of course this was cancelled due to Covid-19.
Physically I think I’m recovering well from the surgery, I have 2 large wounds still, one is a little aggravated. I’m still sore to move at times, I hurt to lay on my front - is this normal? I don’t know what to expect? I’m 2weeks 5 days since surgery. I’m constantly tired too.
Mentally, I’m struggling. I’m in shock that I was pregnant, I’m annoyed I didn’t know but then grateful at the same time, I’m angry that this has happened, I’m angry this happened during covid & my partner couldn’t be with me in hospital, we went 4 days apart whilst I was in hospital when we should have been dealing with this together. I’m feeling lost in that I have no follow up, I’ve been told I’ll have an appointment to follow up but this could be 4months away, obviously the GP isn’t seeing people (I’m having a phone consultation tomorrow to discuss some of my feelings). I’m struggling to understand what happens next, how do we move on? Do we want to carry on TTC? My partner is very scared, things could have ended very differently. We dont know why this happened? And will it happen again? What does this mean for my fertility? I’m overweight, trying to lose weight, but would my weight have caused this?! What can I do to prevent this happening again?
I’ve rambled lots, this is the first time I’ve written things down, if anyone can give any kind words I’d really appreciate it.
Many thanks