Hello to all users on this forum,
2 weeks ago I nearly died due to severe internal bleeding following a ruptured eptopic pregnancy. Doctors and surgeons have said it was touch and go and how I’m lucky to be alive. I had to have one Fallopian tube and ovary removed, 4 litres of blood via transfusions and now have a large scar running from my belly button down and over my past c section scar.
I’m feeling such mixed emotions and having to deal with so many factors of everything including nearly dying, leaving my family and little boy, loosing a baby, loosing some fertility, having the hospital missing my eptopic, which could have been handled better so this may never had happened?
I understand I need counseling, but have a few weeks to wait to see someone as at the moment I can barely walk. I’m in constant pain, can’t sleep and I can’t look after our little boy, take him to school, which upsets me so much at the moment.
I can’t bare to look at pregnant women, I feel incredibly jealous, angry even that I’ve been dealt this awful circumstance. I’ve always had problems conceiving so this obviously makes me feel like I’ll never be pregnant again. On the other hand, do I even want to? I can’t ever risk going through this again or having surgery such as another c section.
I have horrendous flash backs, of myself in total agony, passing out in my bed. Surrounded by ambulance, fire men and blacking out. Hearing the air ambulance circle outside. Hearing sirens.
I’m trying to keep it together, but the moment I feel reminded I just want to burst out into tears and I’d feel I’d never stop crying if I started.
I’m not sure if anyone else has been through anything similar, but I’m hoping anyone can give me any glimpse of how this can get better.