We have a beautiful daughter who is 6 years old and have been trying for a second for over a year. I had some pain in my lower back to went to the doctors as I thought it was a UTI, well I had my UTI confirmed plus I was pregnant! Me and my husband were over the moon!
Two weeks later I woke in the middle of the night with horrific pains, I thought I was constipated but my stools were loose. I took paracetamol and managed to get back to sleep but the pain came back and woke me up. My husband begged me to call 111 which I did and was advised to go to hospital for an early scan to rule out an ectopic.
On arrival to hospital I was told 111 shouldn’t have sent me there and I was discharged being told I had trapped wind but if the EPU wanted to see me they would call me and she took bloods and off I went home. The EPU called me on my way home and said my HGC levels were very high and that means everything sounds good and it could be twins. They booked me in for a scan on the Tuesday (5 days after my hospital visit) I went to work on the Monday lifting children all day etc.
Tuesday morning we went for our scan, well I was in the EPU department for 15 mins before being prepped for surgery. All surgeries were cancelled so mine could be done and 45 mins after waking into the EPU I was kissing my husband goodbye as he left me at the theatre doors. I had a ruptured right ectopic and had my right tube removed plus a massive blood loss which resulted in s transfusion.
This was 6 weeks ago, i feel I’m healed physically but emotionally I’m a mess.
Sending all you ladies lots of love xxxx