Hi all,
I was diagnosed with a cervical ectopic pregnancy (which I hear is extremely rare). The doctors administered a methotrexate injection last Monday.
I had no symptoms on the Monday but some nausea and sickness on days 2 and 3. I had no bleeding, just a bit of spotting. My blood tests on day 4 (Friday) showed some increased hcg levels and then on Sunday I started bleeding bright red blood. I had my day 7 bloods yesterday and was told my levels hadn’t decreased as much as they would like (they are down to 3762) and so I would need a second dose.
I’ve woken up this morning and the blood on my pad is very red and there’s quite a bit of it. Is this normal? I’m on day 8 after my first dose but my hcg levels still seem quite high so I’m not sure whether this is my lining coming away at this stage. I have no pain.
Would love to hear if anyone else has had a similar experience or going through a similar experience.
Thanks in advance.