Methotrexate - continued spotting & twinges

Hi everyone.

I was hoping to hear from anyone who has experienced similar to me.

I was treated with 2 doses of methotrexate for an ectopic in October. My HCG was 10 last Sunday so was discharged.

Throughout this whole experience (6 weeks in total) I have continued to have pink or brown spotting everyday for the 6 weeks (with one week of bright red blood with clots during methotrexate weeks) and am just wondering when this may stop. It’s really getting me down now.

Also, apart from the pain during the Methotrexate weeks (which was terrible) I have continued to have strange twinges intermittently on the side of the ectopic that last about 10 seconds then go off. I have these about 4-10 times a day. I don’t need painkillers for these twinges but I’m certainly very aware of them and they are unnerving.

Please can anyone tell me if this is normal or have experienced anything similar. I just want this whole ordeal behind me so I can focus on the future. But right now I feel like it’s never going to end.

All my love and thoughts with everyone going through or have been through ectopic/miscarriage. I never knew how common it was until I found this forum.


Hello Krystle,

I also had 2 doses of methotrexate (one on late October and one early November). My levels are going down and last week were at 1,300. I recently started bleeding (about 2 weeks ago) and have yet to stop. I am also feeling what you’re feeling. My pregnancy was on my left tube and i feel a slight pain from time to time during the day which makes me wonder if its because its breaking everything down still. Ive read that this is a long process and boy were they right! i feel like its never ending and i just want everything to be done already so that we can start trying again. Hope this helps you in some type of way! just wanted you to know that i am currently on the same boat as you and also having your same symptoms. Feel free to message me if you need anything.

Hope you feel better.

Dear Krystle_L,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss,

It is not unusual for women to bleed after treatment for ectopic pregnancy. This first bleed after treatment is a response to falling hormone levels and involves shedding of the uterine lining and is not classed as a period. The length of the bleeding can vary from woman to woman and some women do report spotting and bleeding for up to around six weeks after an ectopic pregnancy, some longer.

Experiencing some pain after an ectopic pregnancy is normal as your body has been through a great deal over the last few months. Your body may be preparing to ovulate and many women experience ovulation pain when they did not before their ectopic pregnancy - including myself. You also may have a heightened perception because of the sad loss that you have had to go through.

Your periods can take a while to get back to a rhythm that is more usual for you. I also found that my periods changed for a few months after my losses. If the pain persists, I suggest keeping a pain diary noting when the pain appears, the intensity on a scale of 0-10 and anything that helps the pain eg resting, hot water bottle, paracetamol etc. Visiting your doctors with this information helps them to assess how best to manage your symptoms.

We have more information on your body after ectopic pregnancy here- … pregnancy/

Above all, be kind to yourself and allow time to grieve, to heal both physically and emotionally,

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

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