Me & My Story

I am new here, and just wanted to “officially” say hi and tell you a little about me and my story.

My husband and I decided to start trying for a baby this year and I went off the pill in Jan. I am 33 years old. I had 2 periods and at about Easter time I found out I was pregnant. Its early days only about 4-6 weeks, but on Sunday I had some bleeding, cramping and lower back pain. I called NHS Direct and the nurse suggested some panadol for the pain which worked. At 5am and 7am Monday morning I had more blood and my immediate thoughts was that I had miscarried. Called the NHS again and they said to go to early pregnancy unit for a scan. It was inclusive, ie I have miscarried or its too early to see anything. I had bloods taken which I had to repeat on Wednesday so they could compare my results.

On Thursday night I got my results which showed my hormone levels dropping which means the pregnancy is not viable, but they had only dropped by 45% (from 260 to 140 units). They asked me to go back on Friday for more bloods just to rule out an ectopic pregnancy at which they didn’t think was the case but need to confirm levels again.

I was due to fly to Australia (for a long awaited 4 week trip back home) on Friday evening when I got the call from the hospital with my last results at 132 stating they could not rule out an ectopic, as they had not dropped by the required %. They asked me to come in today for another scan (had to wait all bank holiday weekend).

Today, after quite a while with the consultant and sonographer, they found a small 11mm ectopic in my right tube. She’s asked me to come in on Thursday for follow up bloods. She says it looks like my body is taking care of things, but we will know more after the results on Friday, and the next course of action to take.

It’s my brother’s wedding at the end of this month back in Australia and it looks like I may not be able to go at all! We were hoping to deliver some goods news when we got there, but that has been curtailed by all this. It seems every time I go in for results / further scans, the news gets worse. My family and close friends at home are worried for my health and have told me to stay put till I get the all clear.

I know I am very lucky they have got this early and it has not ruptured, but I am being told there is still a very small chance that it could happen and hence advising me against flying.

My instinct is to take the expectant management route. I have had no further pain since last Sunday and no more bleeding. I am wondering weather they will let my fly if my levels drop by the 15% they are wanting to see, and allow me to do follow up bloods in Oz. I am meant to be out there for a month, and I certainly don’t want to be mopping here at home in the UK or at work at present.

I have read many of your own stories and what wonderful brave, supportive people you all are.