Hi all, would appreciate some advice or guidance
I found out I was pregnant on the 24th December. By the 2nd I was in hospital as it was ectopic sadly (I was 5-6 weeks) my levels were at 890 and I went down the expected management route, with them showing a downward trend and dropping by half.
I was discharged 13th January with hcg 11, and I had stopped bleeding on the 7th. This heavy bleeding started around the 4th so I only had a few days of a heavy heavy flow. Before then it was spotting that had been there since the 20th Dec on and off brown and sometimes bright red.
I know the bleed between 4-7th was NOT my period. My understanding was that it was a signifier of the drop of hormones/shedding of the uterine wall.
However, yesterday (28th) I started bleeding again, and today it stopped.
Was this because my levels are 0 now? I had no confirmation of this, just that 2 weeks ago they were at 11. Maybe the last bit took a while? Or is this my period? If none of the pregnancy ever happened, this would have been around the time I was due.
I wasn’t really given any information from the hospital about what to expect after. I have an appointment with my GP but it isn’t for another 2 weeks.
I know I need to wait 2 cycles to try again and I don’t know if this is considered a cycle (well, if the bleeding pick up anyways)
Dear Kath,
I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy loss.
Most people treated without surgery find that their period arrives at some time in the four weeks after their hCG levels have fallen to below 100 mIU/mL. So this could well be your first period. They can be lighter or heavier, painful, long or short, there really is no set pattern.
You mention you did not receive alot of information after your ectopic pregnancy and I am sorry to hear this.
We have lots of information on our website that you may find useful. These are two commonly used pages but we do have alot more so feel free to have a look.
Of course, we will also be here for support for as long as you need.
Sending much love,
Karen x
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1071811
Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards
If the information provided here or through the EPT website has helped you, you can donate towards our support services, volunteer, or fundraise to raise awareness.
Further information is available on our website.
Email us: ept@ectopic.org.uk
We provide a call-back helpline service: 020 7733 2653
Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team
Hi Karen,
Thank you for your response. I didn’t have surgery I went with expected management, does this change things?
Also the bleeding f hasn’t really picked up. It’s been mostly old blood with occasional pink. Maybe a very light flow?
Dear Kath,
No change in information, most people without surgery will have a period on or around 4 weeks after the hcg has fallen below 100.
It may well be lighter and this is completely normal. It can take 3 months or so for periods to become more like we are used too.
Sending much love,
Karen x
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1071811
Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards
If the information provided here or through the EPT website has helped you, you can donate towards our support services, volunteer, or fundraise to raise awareness.
Further information is available on our website.
Email us: ept@ectopic.org.uk
We provide a call-back helpline service: 020 7733 2653
Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team