I was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy 4 weeks ago and have been expectantly managed. My hgc levels started 900 and are now at 67. I have been bleeding every day for 7 weeks. I had light bleeding for a week then medium/heavy bleeding for a week and thats when I was told I had a pregnancy in an unknown location. Then medium/heavy bleeding for another week and was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy. Then two more weeks of medium bleeding. Then two weeks where it got lighter like spotting and was brown in colour and got to the point it almost stopped. Then today I have much heavier red bleeding more like a period. Could this be my first period or my uterus lining shedding now my levels are 67?
Many thanks
Dear Louise82,
I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss,
I am sorry if this is a little difficult to read but to answer your question, the first bleed that occurs after treatment for ectopic pregnancy is not classed as a period. It is the body’s response to falling hormone levels because you are sadly no longer pregnant. The body expels the lining of the uterus that had built up in preparation for the pregnancy because it is no longer needed. This process involves vaginal bleeding - it can be clotty or like one of your usual periods and some women have bleeding/spotting for up to six weeks. This sounds like the bleed you are currently experiencing.
Your periods can take a while to re-establish and most women find that their period arrives some time in the four weeks after their hCG levels have fallen to 0.
Sending much love,
Karen x
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1071811
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The same thing happened to me… I had light brown bleeding from the time I found out I was pregnant then went to very heavy and clotted then almost nothing back to heavy it was like this for weeks then I though this is def my normal period but doc said no not a “normal” period until level is back to zero… I finially hit zero about 3 weeks ago and had my first normal period… wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be -mine lasted about 10 days -might be because at this point been through so much and I was finially feeling back to normal pain wise and emotionally … since I stopped bleeding from my period I have had no bleeding red or brown
Thank you so much for these replys, really helpful x