Quick background: i had an ectopic pregnancy which was initially treated with mtx but that didnt work so i eventually had to have surgery and have a tube removed
Im really worried as i now only have one tube and was wondering if people could give me some advice - do you reccomend getting a hsg done to check the other tube?
Also: If you have had it done, did it work, or did it give any false results of tube being clear when it wasnt?
I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss.
The decision to have further investigations following an ectopic pregnancy is a very personal one and I would suggest talking through your options with your Dr or healthcare provider.
I’m afraid I’m unable to give you any personal experience as I didn’t have any further tests.
Can I also suggest reposting your question on the main board, as it is possible more women read that board and maybe willing to share their experiences.
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Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team.
I had surgery this week for my etopic pregnancy and also lost my right tube. Before my surgeon took the tube, she checked the left side to make sure everything looked okay. Maybe check with your provider to see if they checked the other side during surgery?
This is an older post so I don’t know if you’ve already had the hug or decided against it. I’m so sorry for your loss.
I just came from a doctor’s appointment and have been sobbing for some time and was reading through posts and realized my doctor’s recommendation today on this issue really does make a lot of sense. I had an ectopic in February. The surgery was February 19 and I lost my right tube. At my follow up the doctor said he looked at the left tube, but the only way to make sure it is clear is the hsg. I was advised that I should come back and schedule it when I was ready, but that I could keep trying to conceive again. I might have been a little intense the last months in trying – I’ve been using ovulation strips and charting temps and cm and we both made a point of eating well and exercising. Anyway, I’m in the states and when I saw that it would be as much as 3,000 for the hsg, I started saving. The start of this month I was ready and made my appointment to talk with the doctor which was today.
I told him I was ready for the hsg and he asked if I had been trying and I explained I had. He then advised that the hsg would be a waste of resources and I immediately started crying but listened anyway to his explanation. The hsg would have two results either my remaining tube is clear and I’ve been trying and am not successful or it is blocked and they no longer recommend surgery to open tubes as it is not a likely enough positive outcome to warrant it. Either way I would then require IVF. So if the only next step is IVF, why waste everyone’s time and money on the procedure. I don’t have the money for IVF and my insurance won’t cover any of it, so that is off the table, anyway.
As I mentioned, I have been quite upset, the doctor had to ask me to leave the office as there wasn’t anything more to be done and that was embarrassing, too, walking through the hall and waiting room sobbing. Everyone waiting there for happy baby news and me all blackbird of doom. But I’ve since thought about it and it is good advice. I’d have had the hsg and then been this upset after. What point would there have been in prolonging the sadness for a month or so? What point in everyone putting in the time?
If I were to be able to have IVF it would be so much better to just start right away because every month it becomes a little less likely that it will work as we all get a month older. I’m not a doctor, so my advice isn’t to be taken as medical direction. I’m not sad that I spent the last 5 months trying so hard. The trying, the planning and hoping really got me through the loss and I wouldn’t have done it differently. I hope that makes sense.
Sorry I just saw your reply, ventured back on to the forums today for some comfort . I hadn’t checked for any other replies since I posted. Sorry to hear about the doctors appointment and advice.
Did you carry on trying naturally? wishing you lots of luck for a BFP soon!
I had my right tube removed this January after an ectopic pregnancy. I saw my GP this week & she is referring me to the gynaecologist to have my remaining tube checked / flushed. I’m in the UK so it’s on the NHS & no cost. She said it would take up to 6 weeks to get an appointment. I feel that as we already have a child & would not get funding for IVF, I wanted to explore all fertility testing available to us. I’ve read that HSG / flushing the tubes can also increase fertility too. As such, I feel it is worth trying & risks seem relatively low. I’m about to turn 41 & been trying for almost 18 months for a 2nd child after coming off the mini-pill post c-section. We were told we had to wait a year to try again after the c-section & that the mini-pill allowed me to breastfeed & should not have delayed conception. My blood tests & partner’s semen sample showed no reasons for secondary infertility (prior to ectopic) but I believe this is fairly common.
We are all different, but I feel like I need to get pregnant before my son gets too much older, or have some kind of closure & stop ‘trying’, move on with other life plans like wedding, career etc. I am in a state of limbo & putting it all on hold whilst trying to conceive.
As I am yet to have the procedure, I can’t comment on the outcome or after effects. I will try to post afterwards though. I hope this helps you c