Hello all. I was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy a few weeks ago. Fortunately, it was caught very early and treated with methotrexate – I did not need to have surgery. I will start TTC in July. My doctor mentioned that I may want to consider having a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) test to see if there is any blockage in my tubes that may have caused this ectopic.
Has anyone had one of these HSG tests? Did it show anything or provide any useful information? While I want to know what’s going on, I’m anxious about zapping my eggs with x-rays (I’m in my early 30s and this was my first pregnancy). Further, I don’t know if this will be covered by my insurance, so I’m trying to decide if it’s worth the cost (I live in the US).
Any insights or experiences with this HSG procedure would be much appreciated.
Hi. Sorry to hear about your ectopic. I hope you’re doing ok.
I had an ep in Feb last year.
I was going to have an HSG in Dec but in the end due to timings on the nhs went privately and I had a hyfosy. This is basically the same thing but with ultrasound and foam.
I don’t know about the effect of X-rays on your eggs but for me it was nice to have the reassurance of my tubes being clear. Plus it it changed our fertility options and enabled us to try clomid rather than going down the ivf route.
Hope this helps. Take care x
Thank you! Never heard of a Hyfosy but I googled it and it looks like an interesting alternative. I will ask my doctor about it. I would like to know what’s going on to make the best decision re fertility options, so I’m thinking the test may be worth it.
I had an hsg test and a lap and dye. I know the hsg test can be very unreliable and a lot of doctors won’t do it. I had an ectopic in febuary and had to have emergency surgery to remove my right tube. I was told a few years ago that my left tube is fully blocked and the right tube partially blocked so I gave the surgeon permission to remove both tubes. After my operation the doctor told me the right tube looked good with no scarring so he left it in. I asked if I could have a hsg test to check the remaining tube but was told here in sweden they don’t really do them because they are unreliable and I get IVF free anyway. I am gonna pay and go to a private clinic and have it done though because it’s also known to unblock some womens tubes temporarily for 3 months.
Ang x