Hi all
I was managed expectantly which worked and my levels came down naturally until I got a negative pregnancy test. This was about two weeks ago. I had a little more discomfort very similar to the cramping pulling type feeling slightly to the right side of my belly button that I had during the treatment for the ectopic a few days ago which lasted a couple of days. That has gone now and I started my first period since the ectopic yesterday which has been more painful than a regular period. The cramps are similar to miscarriage pain but manageable. It sounds awful but as I had a miscarriage the cycle before my ectopic then the heavy bleeding to shed the ectopic a few weeks later I’m kind of used to the pain now. I was just wondering if anyone had expectant management and had a scan a few weeks after to see if the sac had dissolved? I have been told to wait two periods before trying again as there is most probably scarring and inflammation which needs to heal and also the emotional side of things to get over too. I feel like I just want to start trying again though and am so impatient but don’t want to risk it happening again. I guess I just want to know other people’s experiences and how long you left it to try again? I fell pregnant both times very quickly and easily which I guess is a good sign but obviously don’t know how quick my body will get back into things. I just want a baby so much and all my family around me around re due around the time I wouldve had my miacarriage baby and then ectopic baby. Thanks.