Hi, I am extremely hopeful that I can find some answers here. Thank you for your help…
Here’s my story:
On August 26 I had a positive home pregnancy test. I visited the obgyn on Aug 28 and she didn’t find something quite right so called me for a blood test day after. I was also complaining of cramping pain in my lower left abdomen. I was about 5 weeks pregnant.
Hcg on Aug 28 - 4200
Hcg on Aug 30 - 1000 : I was told this 2 as unhealthy pregnancy and I will have a miscarriage
Hcg on Sep 1 - 500 (round figures) : I was finally sent to radiology who said it’s probably ectopic and it’s in the left side.
I had some spotting on Aug 30 and started bleeding on Aug 31.
Pain - no overwhelming excruciating pain. But a painful period.
Other pains
Shoulder tip and rectal pain around Sep 7th. The doctor found some internal bleeding on the subsequent ultrasound.
Pregnancy sac
My doctor said the sac is about 2cms. She monitored it every second day with ultrasound and said it is not reducing and looks persistent.
Where initially the doctors (took two opinions) said that the sac had fallen off the tube when I showed to a radiologist who did a 3 D scan, he was very confident that the sac is still in the tube. He also said it is 3.5 cms. Not that the size has increased but that he is able to see it better.
I have not been given any methotrexate and have been told that there is no eminent need of surgery. I am being managed expectantly. My hormone level has dropped from 4000 to 1 in one month. The size of the sac has not reduced…but the doctor’s say it will take time to go and it’s just a clot now.
It has been ~40 days.
I am advised against heavy work, exercise and I’m on medical leave from work. I still have mild pain and discomfort in my lower left abdomen on and off.
I have been advised to wait for the sac to go before we start trying again. We have also been told to try normally without taking any diagnostic test (eg the dye test).
How long does it take for the sac to dissolve?
With the sac still inside my tube, is there still any risk given my hormone level is negative?
Is my tube damaged? Should we just try normally now??
How soon can we try again?
How long does it take for the period to come? Will taking herbs like primrose oil and agnus castus help? I also have pcos and my periods were not very regular.
Are there any side effects of taking these herbs?
What could have been the reasons for ectopic pregnancy? I was not aware that I was pregnant and I was doing extremely heavy exercises and also did hot yoga. Could that be it??