Heartbroken lady

Hello everyone am veens broken-hearted …I have suffered raptured ectopic pregnancy in 2014 May, since then Ian trying to conceive without success. I started experiencing very super painful periods after checking with Gynaecology I have Fibroids which have blocked my remaining tube such that the sperm can not move to meet the egg! Am so low confused and seeking an advise because I have only one tube remaining

Dear Veens,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss and your continued upset.

The EPT advises that women under 35 should seek medical advice following 12 months trying to conceive and those over 35 should seek advice after 6 months. As you have been trying for some years and have a diagnosis of fibroids, I would think it worthwhile speaking to your doctors who can look into any appropriate tests for you and your partner and investigate further.

I would strongly advise being referred to specialist fertility doctors who will be able to investigate this further for you. If you are in the UK, your GP can refer you.

We are all here for you during this very difficult time.

Sending much love and warm hugs,

Karen x

If we have been able to help you, are you able to help us with a small donation or by volunteering?

Further information is available at www.ectopic.org.uk

Email us at ept@ectopic.org.uk.

Our helpline is 020 7733 2653 (available Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm).

Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team.

I feel my heart is broken too. After years of trying for a baby and giving up i found out i was pregnant on the 4th April 2016. The happiest day of my life only to miscarry at 8 weeks. I was devastated and it took ages to recover physically from the natural miscarriage. I was determined to get pregnant again and then in October 2016 found out i was. A week later i had really bad lower back pain and awful shooting pains down my leg. I was worried something wasnt right. A few days later i started bleeding. I thought it was another miscarriage so decided to just wait a few weeks as i was very early on in my pregnancy. A few weeks later i decided to go to the early pregnancy unit and they performed a scan. I was told that it was a PUL. They said i didnt have the symptoms for it to be ectopic as i looked too healthy and i had no pain. The next day i was scanned again and then told it was ectopic. I couldnt believe it why me. I had to have my left tube removed. I feel so heart broken. Its been nearly 2 years now and i just can’t get pregnant again. Im 41 so i know that the chances of me getting pregnant are pretty slim. It was difficult with 2 tubes but now ive got one its even harder. When the time of the month happens i feel so low as i know its not happened again and ive got to try again the following month. Im trying to face reality and forget about trying to get pregnant but its so difficult. My husband has never really wanted children so the ivf route is out of the question. He keeps telling me we are too old and that he doesnt want children. If my pregnancies had of been successful i know that he would have loved being a dad. I just wish i knew why all this happened from having no success to 2 losses in a space of a few months is awful to deal with. I cannot seem to move on. Thanks for listening xx