Folate levels after methotrexate

Has anyone gotten their folate and/or B12 levels checked by their doctor before TTC again (following methotrexate injections)?

Dear Sunny,

It is not standard practice in the UK, to have bloods checked prior to trying to conceive.

Methotrexate can affect the quality of your cells including those of your blood for up to three months after it has been given, but it is metabolised quickly by the body. It is also given at a much lower dose than for many other clinical reasons. Taking folic acid supplements for 12 weeks (once your hCG levels have dropped to let pregnancy levels) before trying to conceive will ensure your levels are back to normal again.

If you have any concerns or any medical reasons why it would be better to be checked, please speak to your medical team or GP.

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

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I did, about 4 months after I think? Folate levels were fine according to reference range, not as high as I had had previously, but not something I did anything about. I guess if the levels were low I would have taken more before TTC.

B12 didn’t seem to be affected by the MTX. Sadly I seem to have had lower haemoglobin since but not sure if that’s a coincidence or not.