Recently had a ectopic treated with methotrexate levels went down fine and they signed me off from hospital 3 week after
It was my first pregnancy and there was no indication why it happened only that I smoke and I can’t cope with the feeling that I might not fall normal again without it being another ectopic feel really low in myself which I think is normal but I don’t want to wait the full 3-6 month to try again physically I feel fine stopped smoking with the guilt it might have been what caused it to happen has anyone had a pregnancy that soon after and got the pregnancy to where it should be and it’s been fine it’s killing me the wait and I am really desparate to ttc again please somone let me know I’ve been searching the internet for days for inspiration to hear if anyone else has tried so early and gone through with a normal pregnancy. Thanks in advance. X
Dear Ama
I am sorry to hear of your loss.
With Methotrexate you should wait until your hCG levels have fallen to below 5mIU/mL and then take a folic acid supplement for 12 weeks before you try to conceive.
This is because the Methotrexate may have reduced the level of folate in your body which is needed to ensure a baby develops healthily. The Methotrexate is metabolised quickly but it can affect the quality of your cells, including those of your eggs and the quality of your blood for up to three months after it has been given. The medicine can also affect the way your liver works and so you need to give your body time to recover properly before a new pregnancy is considered. A shortage of folate could result in a greater chance of a baby having a neural tube defect such as hare lip, cleft palate, or even spina bifida or other NT defects.
Sending you good wishes
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