After Methrotrexate

Hello everyone. a bit sad since I had an ectopic pregnancy…had the injection Monday the 17th what a day. I was so excited about this baby. I am already 40 and not getting any younger and loosing this baby truly broke my heart.

I am really positive since at least I now there is a possibility I could have a child.

I just waited so long and now having to wait 3 more months to even try again truly stresses me out.

Glad to find support in all of you out there…and reading all the success stories warms my heart.

But still so so scared.

Love blessings to all ,


So sorry to hear what happened to you. It’s such a sad loss. Just a baby who lost its way. Mine was 10 years ago and i still get sad now. And recovery from methotrexate isn’t nice either. So I wish you a speedy recovery and a little babydust for the future.x

Dear G,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss.

When we experience ectopic pregnancy we are suddenly faced with a life threatening emergency and it’s treatment, reduction in fertility, concerns about the future and the loss of our babies. Experiencing any one of these is an ordeal, putting them together is immense and your feelings are completely normal.

I completely understand how frustrating the wait is, I was treated with methotraxate too. We do however advise that you wait until your hCG levels have fallen to below 5mIU/mL and then take a folic acid supplement for 12 weeks before you try to conceive. This is because the Methotrexate may have reduced the level of folate in your body which is needed to ensure a baby develops healthily. The Methotrexate is metabolised quickly but it can affect the quality of your cells, including those of your eggs and the quality of your blood for up to three months after it has been given. The medicine can also affect the way your liver works and so you need to give your body time to recover properly before a new pregnancy is considered. A shortage of folate could result in a greater chance of a baby having a neural tube defect such as hare lip, cleft palate, or even spina bifida or other NT defects. This is why the “wait” and then taking folic acid for 12 weeks before trying to conceive is so important.

We are all here for you whenever you need us,

Sending much love,

Karen x

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