First Month of TTC

Hi all

I had an ectopic pregnancy in August this year, I had my left tube removed. I just wanted to confirm I am right in thinking I can start trying this month as I have now had 2 cycles since the ectopic?

It scares me so much but we are so desperate for another baby, our daughter is 2 years old now and she would love a brother or sister.

One thing I learnt after having the ectopic is to definitely go with your gut feeling and demand answers. The hospital were adamant I was having a miscarriage, but I knew something else was wrong, I demanded another scan but unfortunately collapsed and had emergency surgery before the scan date.

Any tips / advice for trying to concieve without becoming an obsessed woman??!!!

I have never been so happy coming on my period as I was yesterday, as we can finally start trying again and hopefully put this horrible experience behind us xx


I also had a ruptured tube removed in August and am planning to start ttc this month after having two periods - I’m really scared too can’t bear the thought of it happening again but also can’t bear the thought of not adding to our family

I’m going to try hard to be relaxed about it all as stress really won’t help emotionally or physically - and I suppose we have to put a bit of faith and trust in mother nature

Wishing you lots of luck and hopefully this nightmare will become a distant memory x x


I had a ruptured ectopic in June and my right tube removed this is the first month for us ttc. I’m terrified of it happening again but at the same time can’t imagine life without children I don’t have any at the minute.


I had a ruptured EP in May 2010 and was really worried about trying in case it happened again. For the first few months I used to take a pregnancy test after I’d had a period just to help me check that I wasn’t having another EP. I also used to keep a diary of the dates my period started so that a pregnancy could be dated and I could have an early scan before an EP ruptured.

I have been pregnant twice since my EP and although getting a positive pregnancy test was a bit scary, my GP arranged early scans at about 6 weeks to confirm that the pregnancy was in the right place. This really did give me the reassurance that everything was ok and helped me to relax. Although the risk of an EP is slightly higher if you have already had one, you will be monitored more closely and have an extra early ultrasound than someone who hasn’t had one before.

Wishing you all lots of luck xxx