Feeling so scared


I can’t believe I’m writing this and I am so happy but I’m so scared. I found out I was pregnant yesterday, and went for bloods today, hcg came back as 144, it must have only implanted last week, and I’m just over 4 weeks, so I don’t know if that hcg is ok or not. I’m worried it’s another ectopic, I don’t feel like I could deal with it, I really don’t. I go back Thursday to check my bloods again and I’m so scared they won’t have gone up, as last time it stayed around the 150 mark. I don’t know how to feel, happy, scared, prepare myself for the worst? Help

Dear StayIs89

Whispered congratulations to you and I am so sorry to hear of your worrying time. Trying to conceive can be so challenging after loss and waiting for tests and information can be such an anxious time.

Tomorrow’s test may be able to provide some additional details on how your pregnancy is progressing and I have everything crossed for you for the appointment. I am not sure from your message as to whether an early scan has been booked as yet - usually scans take place at around six weeks’ gestation and this is to check that the embryo is in the right place. While I am not a doctor, a single HCG result in isolation is not in itself a lot to go on and doctors will want to see how hormone levels are moving over a few tests to have some sort of an idea of what might be happening. Even so, to know where the pregnancy is located, HCG tests cannot provide a definitive answer and the scan is needed to see it and so I would suggest speaking with your doctors about booking that in for peace of mind. As well as medical help from your doctors, I appreciate that the wait is nerve-wracking and we are here to support you emotionally. Many of us understand how a subsequent pregnancy can bring such a mix of emotions and you do not have to go through the concerns alone. You are most welcome to post here to release your thoughts and emotions and we are here for you to lean on.

I will be thinking of you tomorrow and send lots of love


The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards

During the coronavirus outbreak, The EPT team is still working hard to provide crucial information and support to women and families experiencing ectopic pregnancy as quickly and efficiently as we can.

If we have been able to help you, are you able to help us with a small donation or by volunteering or fundraising?

Further information is available at ectopic.org.uk

Email us: ept@ectopic.org.uk

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Thank you for your all kind words, in times of worry you give me hope and I don’t feel as alone. I have kept going back to monitor my hcg levels and they are rising well so far. Hoping for a scan to see if it’s in the right place. I find I can’t concentrate on anything and am full of nerves. Preparing myself for the worst even though it feels completely different from last time. I never realised how scary being pregnant would be again. I’m jealous of those people who don’t have these worries