Feeling down after tube removal

Hi everybody,

I just had my laparoscopy about a week ago and lost my tube. I have been followed up with the hospital since week 5 and my HCG was too low back then, they cannot see any sac but they said its normal. But i continuously having brown discharged and cramping. Until week 7, finally they can see my sac with HCG 1200 but in my left tube. They gave me MTX shot but after 24hours, i started to feel pain on my left side and unfortunately there was bleeding in my tube. I was so devastated and dont know what to do.

Since I possessed a very strong and tough image, I never show that I am in pain and that I am sad. I cried everyday in the shower and sometimes i cried to sleep. My husband did a really good job to take care of me but he cannot see me cry, he will be crying too. I dont know where to turn to. Im 26 and this is my first pregnancy. Im scared that i am not going to have kids in future and im scared that the same thing will happen again.

I even took a break from social media coz i cannot see babies, pregnant women, my friend with their kids, it breaks my heart ever single time seeing people with kids. All the doctors said im still young and should not worry about having only one tube, but I still find it very had to accept the fact.

I am sorry for this long post. I just need support from people in my condition and success stories from people who had their tube removed.

Thank you

Hi lovely,

I feel your pain. The first few weeks are the toughest. I’m 7 weeks post op and never thought I’d be ready to try again as was so scared when it happened to me too. I know its cliche but tine does make things better. Take each day as it comes. You said you couldn’t cry in front of people but at least you’re letting it out when you can. You will be surprised at how strong you are I promise you!

It’s not nice hearing “you’re still young” etc as you probably think and feel similarly to me in that you dont feel like time is on your side etc especially when you’ve been told it could take longer.

I dont have success a success story. I had 2 miscarriages and then my ectopic but I’ve found the strength to consider trying again as like you, I cant imagine life without a child. You can do this!

If you ever need to talk, everyone on here is wonderful. I always check previous posts to see if anyone has replied so am here to talk if you need it xx

Hey Carlene,

Thank you very much for your support. I hope you will create your own success stories after this. Now I think I almost fully recovered from the surgery. But well emotionally still tough. Taking a break from social media helps me a lot. Especially when my sister just gave birth to her son on the same week I lost my pregnancy. Its so hard to see her with her baby, it kills me inside. How i wish i would have end up having my baby born.

Its just stressful to hear from people around me keep saying that i can keep trying, dont be stressful, dont be sad etc. I am a medical student and i read all the statistic, data, journal and i understand how things work, its just that i need them to make me feel normal again and not thinking about it.

Anyway, thank you again for replying and for your positive vibes! XOXO


I had my op on Thursday and feeling very up and down about it. It’s been a tough one to get into what actually happened and it truly feels like such bad luck.

Like anything I know it will take time but finding comfort in knowing I am not alone.


Hey Laursie,

Im so sorry for you dear. Yes, it felt really bad after the op. Im not sure if anybody else would understand us. Im almost 3weeks post op and still feeling sad. I have been tracking my ovulation and upt since last week bcoz i want to monitor my hormone.

Last week my hormone finally back to normal, no more HCG but suddenly this morning i checked my upt and it was positive. Im so scared to lose my right tube, if im truly pregnant again, i really hope its in the right place. Tho i did take precaution not to get pregnant for 3month, but anything could happened.

Anyway, i hope you will recover physically and emotionally in no time. I wish you have a healthy pregnancy next time.

Hey hdyh,

How have you been since your last message? You mentioned possibly being pregnant so I’ve been keeping my fingers crossed for good news.

My husband and I have been considering trying again but it’s scary. Got me it’s the time scale as we didnt struggle before and now we might.

Remember to keep allowing yourself to feel emotions. I have counselling which has helped and they said that even in bad days when I feel numb instead, recognising that is still good as I’m processing it and identifying it. I hope that helps you through:-)

Hope to hear from you soon.


Hey Carlene,

I tested again this morning and it came out positive. I never had any period yet after the surgery and im not sure how many weeks i am right now. I will confirm my pregnancy in 2 days at my last hospital. Now i started to feel stress and sad again coz im so terrified that this pregnancy will end up as ectopic again.

At the same time, im happy coz i was kinda thought that i will never get pregnant again. I will keep you posted any feedback after my check up. Please pray for me that this time around I would have a healthy pregnancy and baby. Praying for you too! XOXO

Just to update. I have bleeding today and doctor said it might be chemical pregnancy coz i have positive UPT for a week but my HCG not increasing. Im sad but relieved coz i had the MTX shot, im worried if my baby going to have any genetic abnormalities and not healthy. Some of the doctors said i can try right away after this coz its only pregnancy, but some of them asked to wait for 3months. I ll just sit back and relax for next month and see if im gonna get pregnant again. But since in my country the covid-19 cases keep increasing, my husband said its not a good time to get me pregnant and put me at high risk.

Im still in depression and we had to cance our anniversary vacation next week, so im getting more stressful.

Anyway, good wishes to you Carlene and i ll update if there is any news,


Hey hdyh,

Thanks is for the update. I’m sorry to hear you had a chemical miscarriage. I had that (or I think it was that) just before my ectopic.

My husband and I started trying this month and now I’m on the 2 week wait. Every little twinge is freaking me out though and I’m feeling very worried and anxious about it.

Rumour has it in our country (England) midwives wont see you until 28 weeks due to covid-19. I dont know how true that is but figure we are high risk due to previous ectopic so it probably wont apply to people who have had ectopic.

How are you feeling about people saying this will cause a baby boom? I’m struggling with it as I know for many it will but probably not for me :frowning: doesn’t help that my sister in law is pregnant by accident too.

Anyway, stay safe and I look forward to hearing from you soon xx


How are you? I saw the COVID19 update, its getting worse. My country ( Malaysia) took a big step last 2 weeks, we are under restriction movement order until mid of April or maybe more. But for pregnancy and baby check up, we do have our Health Clinic in each district which will be operating like usual especially for ectopic pregnancy cases. I need to do follow up every 6weeks just to do basic check up.

By the way, just want to share with you that before i got pregnant, i went to do acupuncture for 2 session. It works for me and my friend(4years TTC). My friend had 2 kids ever since the treatment which only for 3days(20mins session each day) I read some research says that it can help to heal our reproductive organ as well. I wanted to go last week but since we are under lockdown, i cant. But maybe you can try if you want.

My sister in law got pregnant as well. It made me sad , not for her of course but thinking when can i have it too. Anyway stay safe and update me your result! Best of luck.