Hello Everyone,
I feel so lost this week. EP was diagnosed 13 days ago I think under the circumstances I was lucky to be able to manage it with expectant management. My HCG has dropped to 0 already. It was checked on Tuesday. I had a bleed over the weekend, it started on Monday and finally tapered off Tuesday and seems to have stopped yesterday. I had the EP on my left side, it measured 1.5cm so it was only small. On the right side I had a cyst on my ovary measuring 2.7cm (I was originally told by a nurse it was 7cm but they got it wrong…just 2.7cm). Apparently this was bleeding into itself. I had a scan for diagnosis and then another a week ago…EP was all still there and the cyst was 2.5cm so it has shrunk a little. I had a cyst the month before I assume as I had the same pain…I think it’s coming up and down each month…no idea why! I’m frightened one tube has this EP in it and the other has the cyst… No further scans as I’ve been discharged and the 1.5cm EP will apparently be absorbed into the body. Asked when I could TTC again ‘give your body time to recover’ was the response…how long is that??? I’ve read that after Expectant Management some EP take up to 6 months to be absorbed into the body. Where as the advise for those who take the medical or surgical route is 2 cycles or 3 months, whichever comes sooner. Do we risk trying after 2/3 months or wait for 6. I’m 35 anyway so not in a position to mess around…my fertility will have already peaked and be on a decline now. But I don’t want a set back and to have an other EP which could have been preventable. Also worried about the cyst…if it’s just a cyst, will it prevent ov on that side? Feeling emotional, so along and worrying myself to oblivion. Thanks for reading.