Hi everyone,
I am American and I live and work in Thailand. It’s a great place to live, etc. but English isn’t spoken very well by my doctor or the nurses, and I have been very upset by the lack of information and support I currently have.
I found out I was pregnant on Tuesday and two days later that I have an ectopic pregnancy. Since they found it early (I am around 5 weeks) I was given methotrexate. My hcg level was around 2000 (around 900 on my first visit on Tuesday). My doctor suggested that I take three days off work to rest, but I am really worried about having a rupture if I am home by myself where I can’t call 911 like I would be able to at home. She suggested that I go to work so I could be around people in case of a rupture, but I’ve been crying every few hours and feel like a zombie and depressed.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I know that rupture is a possibility but I am being hopeful (after reading many academic articles online) that I will be of the majority that don’t have a rupture. But I also feel like I cannot be around other people who think I went on leave this week because I had a bad backache (this is the reason I went in to the doctor in the first place). But would it be better for me to go and try to explain to my supervisor or HR the circumstances? I work for a well known international humanitarian agency and I believe they would support me.
And back to the backache… did anyone have extreme back pain before they discovered their EP? I haven’t read about this symptom at all and my doctor said it is a separate issue. But also didn’t offer any additional information and kept telling me to focus on the EP because that’s more serious (which is an upsetting thing to tell someone I think, but giving her the benefit of the doubt here as English is not her first language and perhaps it didn’t come out the way she intended).
Thanks for any support, I really appreciate finding this website and group as I have literally nothing here in Thailand to help me, no support groups or counseling or anything.
- Ranja