Caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy

Hi there, I have very recently been diagnosed and treated for a caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy at 10 weeks pregnant. Everything happened very fast and it’s not a complication I had heard of until it happened to me. I understand it’s a very rare type of ectopic and I just wondered if there’s anyone on here who has experienced similar? There is limited information online about the complication. Thank you

Hello. I hope you’re doing ok?!

I had surgery for a scar ectopic in January this year. I also felt the same, I had never heard of it before and couldn’t find much about it online. Made me feel so scared and alone!

Thanks so much for getting back to me. I’m so sorry to hear it happened to you too. I had surgery also. I’m physically much better than I was. How long were you advised to wait before trying again if you don’t mind me asking?

I have to have a follow up scan after 6 weeks and will ask the EPAU then a few questions that I’ve now got as I’ve had more time to process things - everything happened within 10 days I think it was. Scared and alone is very much the same feeling here. Thanks again for getting back to me and I hope you’re doing ok

Bless you :(. Iv been advised it’s best too wait atleast a year from my surgery date, long time! I’m going to take doctors advise and wait. I had laparoscopic surgery and he repaired my scar. So he said a year is best for the healing. I also had complications with some retained product so had prolonged bleeding and cramps for a long time after surgery, so I don’t know if that has affected how long I should wait also.

Yeah it’s so hard, write all your questions down. I felt scared/nervous at all appointments and just forget what I wanted to ask.

That’s okay. I’m doing much better now the scared feeling calmed down so just get emotional days.

Dear AH,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy loss,

You are right, sadly there isn’t much research or literature about c-section scar ectopic pregnancies.

I would be guided by your medical doctors and write down a list of questions you want answering when you do see them, so you don’t forget any.

We will be here to support you for as long as you need.

Sending much love,

Karen x

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