Hey Hun I asked for a follow up because I didn’t think they explained it properly etc, do you know if they did anything to ‘fix’ the scar so to speak? I know mine didn’t which is why I have so many questions, can’t believe you were home the same day too hope your okay, i was told 2 periods or 3 months, I actually feel ready now xx
No i asked they said they wouldn’t touch it. Said a 10% chance it could happen again. Always going to have that worry now I suppose. Would have a scan earlier to check all is well. Xxx
Yeah mine didn’t touch it apparently because it would cause more scar tissue but never gave me a percentage of it happening again so that’s good to know in a way I guess… A tubal one is 15% apparently… But yes always going to be thy worry take care Hun and wish you all the luck xx
Dear Cazza80,
It is completely normal to take time to get your head around things. There is no time limit for how long it takes us to grieve so please do not feel you have to rush things.
As a gentle reminder regarding conceiving again, we and many medical professionals advise waiting for two menstrual cycles. It is important to allow time for your body to recover and emotions to surface and be worked through. This is so that you have some comfort that your body is returning to its natural rhythm and you have a last menstrual period date from which to date a new pregnancy - key information in checking you are not suffering from an ectopic pregnancy in the future. The first bleed soon after surgery for ectopic pregnancy is not classed as a period as it is the body’s response to falling hormone levels.
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have, we are all here for you,
Much love,
Karen x
Hi hun.
How are you doing now? Sorry haven’t replied sooner, taken me awhile to get my head round things. Xx
Hi I found out today I have a possible scar ectopic, I had a private scan done, I’m about 6 weeks with no symptoms, I also had a scan 6 days ago as was worried about a MC and gestational sack was in a good position we didn’t see anything else on scan, today it showed it has grown double in size we saw an egg sack and a fetal pulse! That’s all great but the whole sack has dropped quite low and there not sure it it’s now implanted in the scar, I am so scared this is my third pregnancy my first was twins that ended in Mc I now have a little girl who’s 2 and this one anyone who could give me any advice would be so appreciated X
I had a c-section scar ectopic removed on the 8th January and I’m still trying to deal with things, to work things out and to try and get my head around things. I suffered a huge bleed on Christmas Eve and a scan showed a mishapen sac, on New Years Eve a repeat scan showed a suspected c-section scar pregnancy, the baby had a heartbeat and was measuring the right size, I was referred to a specialist in London, who told me if i didn’t have the surgery quickly it could result in a hysterectomy, so I had surgery on the 8th. I just don’t know what the future holds. I’ve got a follow up appointment in a couple of weeks but am struggling. I’ve researched things and found bits that say that repeat d and cs can cause more complications, I’ve had four, having had one after having my son two and a half years ago and having to have two after a miscarriage last year and then this one this year. It also says there’s not enough research or evidence of people having children after a CSP to state the complete risks but that it can happen again, and has been known to result in hysterectomy and worse. I really want to give my son a brother or sister and feel that my family is not yet complete, but equally I do not want to risk my life, if that is a real risk. I think I just need somebody to tell me they’re feeling the same?! That they too don’t know! I’m hoping my follow up will give me some answers.
Hello, I’m new here and just read through your experiences with c section ectopic, I found out I was pregnant beginning of Jan went for a scan I was 5/6 weeks pregnant the person scanning me told me they thought it was in my scar tissue and that they would have to monitor my pregnancy closely, then got sent through to the doctor who told me they wouldn’t allow the pregnancy to continue because of all the risks, I was devastated as it was a shock pregnancy and my partner wasn’t sure it was the right time and we had just got our heads around having another baby when we went for the scan, I went straight up to epu who explained they would treat me with methotrexate so I had the shots the next day and then went back on day 4 my levels had risen from 3000 to 10000 which they weren’t happy about but said they would leave me until day 7, by then they had gone down the 15% to 8000 so I went back the week after they had dropped quite well again to 4659 I went back again the week after to find they had only dropped to 4032 so they wanted to speak to the consultant they re scanned and said the pregnancy was still there but hadn’t grown they suggested surgery to remove it with my hcg levels still being quite high so I agreed and went in for surgery 2 days later it was a quick procedure an was only in theatre for 15 mins and back home the same day, the staff were so nice they even gave me a little angel keyring and a little confetti type box with “forget me not” on it, the pregnancy in c section scar are really rare and there’s not much online about them I was so confused but I don’t think the doctors know that much about them either, as bad as it sounds I’m just glad it’s all over and I can try and move on I won’t be trying to conceive again for a few years I’m going to give my body time to heal after everything I’ve been through, it’s a horrible thing to go through and I’ve felt like I’ve been alone because my partner hasn’t been much help he doesn’t realise how much it affects you emotionally, it’s helped reading other people’s experiences and knowing it’s not just you going through it. If anyone is going through this an wants to ask me anything else about my experience I’ll be happy to talk because I know how hard it is.
Sarah xx
Hi I thought I would share my story:
I found out I was pregnant in December and at a 7 wk reassurance scan ( after 2 mc) I saw heartbeat but sonographer noticed it was sitting very low which she said wouldn’t be a problem unless I had a csection previously - which I had.
I was monitored closely as pregnacy developed and was involved in conversations with consultants about what might happen if pregnancy was to continue also how important this pregnancy was as termination may be an option.
Sadly around my 10 wk scan heartbeat had stopped. Dr now openly referred to me as the scar eptopic patient.
The problem of attachment was still there and surgery ran the risk of excessive bleed and hemorrhage so I was given methotrexate injection. One week later I mc at home but had excessive bleeding. Went in an ambulance and was given a scan to say most of the products have passed and there was no visible attachment anymore. Had surgical evacuation next day under a general anesthetic. I week later I began to pass large clots at home that didn’t seem right. Went back in and was admitted back to hospital. Some pregnancy tissue undetected by scan was causing internal bleed plus a blood clot bear scar. Had lots of medicine to stop bleeding and was warned I may have to have a laparoscopic procedure if bleeding continued. It slowed down so then was given another injection of methotrexate to try and get rid of any pregnancy product. I still have to go back weekly for hcg tests I’m almost at 0 and fortnightly scans to check if the blood clot caused by scar pregnancy is reducing in size. Im still not sure I’ve dealt with this traumatic experience until it is completely over and I’ve regained my health. Over 3 months later I’m am still on iron tablets still bleeding like a light period and waiting for this nightmare to be over and wait for the blood-clot to ‘re absorb’ nobody knows how long this will continue for. But I do know that I’m lucky I still have my health which is recovering ( they’re have been times over the last few months I’ve faced dark scenarios) and 2 lovely children so I must remind myself to be grateful for what I have.
Each day is a new day and I take it one step at a time. I hope this helps that you can get through this.
J xx
I am new to this board/ site and I am looking for others that have had similar experiences to myself & looking for advice, hope and stories for being able to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy in the future after having as c- section scar eptopic pregnancy. I would love to hear from anyone that has been through a scar eptopic and is or coming out the other end.
My story
I found out I was pregnant 2 weeks ago I was suffering from cramping, actually I cramped pretty much from ovulation. It was a planed pregnancy the 2nd month of trying so was listening to my body. I went to my GP who referred me to the early pregnancy unit at my local hospital. I was scanned early at 4 wks + they couldn’t see anything the word ‘eptopic’ was mentioned but was also extremely early anyway to see anything. Scheduled 1 wk later for another scan 5+ wks Sonographer found an empty sac which she said was in the right position but empty, but was alarmed by what she called fluid around my c- section scar (I have 3 healthy children all C-sections). I was seen by a Junior doctor that basically couldn’t give me any answers there was lot’s of ‘we just don’t know’. She saw her superior who did not see me in person but adviced her to just book me in for another scan 1 week later. As far as they were concerned I had a pregnancy sac in the correct place empty because it could just be way too early to see anything. I was well in myself and as for the’fluid’ the sonographer picked up on they weren’t at all concerned about.
I returned home impatient and concerned so I self referred myself and made an appointment to see a gynecologist privately 4 days later. The gynecologist scanned me and straight away could see a sac complete with fetal pole and yolk sack etc sitting in the niche of my c section scar. Yes there was also what he described fluid blood clots in my womb probably caused by the pregnancy. I had a diagnosis straight away from him contradictory to my local NHS early pregnancy unit. The pregancy was NOT in the correct place as they had told me and was boldly on the screen low down in my scar niche.
I was lucky and was looked after amazingly which I have to stress I did not return to my local NHS hospital as was furious but chose to stay under the private hospitals care. He operated ASAP the following day to removal the pregnancy. I went under a general anesthetic and the pregnancy was removed with internal surgery ( I was 6 weeks + 3 days) without any complications. I came home the following day. It was all very straightforward and quick and once I new the pregnancy had to be removed re: the risks and complications I just wanted to move on and get it over with.
This was 2 days ago. I still have huge sore pregnancy breasts but the other pregnancy symptons have passed. I am bleeding but not too heavy at the moment and I am not in any pain or discomfort. I have to return to see him in 2 weeks time for my follow up appointment.
I would still like to try again when my body has fully recovered. I am 37 nearly 38 so my last chance I feel to have another baby. There really isn’t any information out there with regards to successful pregnancy stories or risk factors, complications etc and I really would desperately like to hear from others that have experienced this and have gone on to have healthy normal pregnancies.
I would also like to say prior to this happening to me I had never heard of an eptopic scar pregnancy I had no idea I was at risk. My son now age 12 was an emergency c section due complications, fetal distress etc. My two subsequent children now age 9 and 8 were adviced planned sections. Never had I been told of a possible eptopic scar pregnancy risk to future pregnancies.
Last week I had 2 sonograms. After the second on the second day doc comes in and say i have a c-scar pregnancy. First words out his mouth is termination. I said hell no.a few questions later and the doc confessed I have only a 10% chance of rupture. I may deliver a few weeks early but he did believe I would have a live birth. Almost always requiring a hysterectomy. But Meth shots can cause hemorage, and a hysterectomy is done anyways. At least I get my baby out of it all. I have 3 children at home so risking my life is not taken lightly. However a c-section is major abdominal surgery I had 2. I had 4 months of healing before I was pregnant again. I had my second child with no problem and doc assures me I had more risk then, then I do now. People get life saving surgery with a 50% chance of dieing How can I not give my baby a chance with 90% on my side. I don’t get it. You can’t let the doc push you towards something you don’t want, simply because they are afraid of the unknown.
Any update on this pregnancy? I to am 8wks ectopic c section scar pregnancy and do not want to terminate.
I’ve just reached twelve weeks with my c section ectopic. It has implanted in my scar was told to abort but I can’t do that my scars also defective at 6mm thickness. So scary there’s no information out there of positive stories I’m googleing every day.
I wish you ladies the best of luck. I just (yesterday) had surgery for my 2nd C scar pregnancy. The first failed on its own but the 2nd we terminated and had the surgery just yesterday - after a very long “treatment” process; it was a very heart breaking experience.
I RESPECT anyone’s choices. But, I do caution you to be careful with your research. We have an AMAZING hospital nearby which treats ALL of C-scar pregnancies in a multi-state area (They see about 1 new one a week). They had more facts and statistics to offer than most hospitals, although they did reach out to other institutions when they were gathering information for me. It does matter which direction the baby “grows” but no where, in any of the research we received through them and elsewhere, did we find anything close to a 10% risk. I’m not saying this to scare anyone and I don’t feel that we were “pushed” to to anything against our beliefs; I just strongly feel that knowledge is power and would encourage you to research as much as possible. When we had decided to not terminate our first scar pregnancy, we did learn that when - not “if” - I ruptured, we would have 17-18 minutes to receive medical help before I bled out so, staying closer to the hospital would have been key for us (I was not worried for my life even with that information - that seemed “manageable” and the rates for maternal life were the high ones). Anyway, please learn as much as you can - you now have 2 lives depending on some of your decisions. I really do wish you the VERY best!
I’m now five weeks post Caesarean scar ectopic treatment - four doses of methotrexate followed by a d&c. It broke every bit of my heart but we needed to end this pregnancy safely so I could be around for our two beautiful kids at home. We’re going to try again and hope it’s right next time.
I know the c section scar ectopic is rare and it’s even rarer for it to be a viable pregnancy that doesn’t risk the mum in the process, so hoping you’re all safe and well now xx
I had c section scar ectopic at around 5 weeks. I was sent for a MRI to see if the sac was fully within the scar or some scar and some womb. Results showed the sac was fully embedded within the muscle of the scar with HCG levels of 2,782 I was treated with Methotrexate injections which were not successful.
Day 4 4,792
Day 6 4,719
Day 7 4,851
Second dose given -
Day 4 4,264
Day 7 3,976
Decrease from day 4 to 7 not showing as 15% or more therefore second round unsuccessful. Provided with Mifepristone as a last resort before surgery and I passed the sac and levels came down dramatically.
Day 4 1,789 day 7 181 day
following week 19
I hope this helps anyone who is going through the same thing and whos first done may not have provided results that they have hoped for xxx
Dear Natalie,
I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy loss. As I am sure you are aware, c section scar ectopics are rare but also have to be very carefully managed by specialist teams. Thank you for sharing your experience to help others. We are also here to support you as needed.
Sending much love,
Karen x
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1071811
Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards
If the information provided here or through the EPT website has helped you, you can donate towards our support services, volunteer, or fundraise to raise awareness.
Further information is available on our website.
Email us: ept@ectopic.org.uk
We provide a call-back helpline service: 020 7733 2653
Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team