Advice as live abroad

Hi all, I need some advice- I live overseas and don’t feel I’ve been given enough advice about when I should ttc again. I had left ectopic treated with methotrexate on the 19th of October. It ruptured and I had the tube removed on the 29th of October. The doctors here told me to wait 6 months before considering to try again but everything I read seems to point towards the three month mark? I’m also considering having investigations to check whether the other tube is blocked. Has anyone had this procedure done? If so did you find the findings useful in decision making whether to try again?, is it painful? Any advice on either of these things is very greatly appreciated.

Hi Luna123

In the uk it is advisable to wait 3 months or 2 menstrual cycles before trying to conceive again. I had a ruptured ectopic in June this year resulting in the removal of my right tube. Three months later I decided to have the hsg dye test to check if my remaining tube was blocked, I felt this would give my some kind of closure making me able to try again. This procedure didn’t hurt just like a mild period cramp. Good news my tube was open and we conceived the first month of trying (November) xx

Thanks a million for your reply, Princess.

I have no idea why the say six months here- I only had one shot of methatrexate and don’t want to wait such a long time to start to consider future options. It does, however go slightly against the grain not taking the advice of doctors, but perhaps they are just overcautious here. It’s encouraging to read your story. I think I’ll probably go ahead with the hsg dye test, as it sounds fairly innocuous from what you say. Congratulations on you pregnancy, and good luck for the future x