Aches and Twinges on remaining tube side

I found out that I was pregnant again at the start of this week.

I had an ectopic pregnancy earlier this year that resulted in having my left tube removed when I ruptured at 8 weeks (it was discovered at 6 weeks, but it was small and my hcg seemed to be low so they suggested expectant management).

I am now about 5 weeks pregnant and have noticed a dull ache on my right side (remaining tube side) with occasional twinges. It’s not very intense but it’s like a constant niggle that I can’t stop focusing on. I’ve phoned both my GP and the EPAC where I live and they’ve refused to see me before 6 weeks. I know it can be hard to see anything on scans before them, but even telling them about this ache they still don’t seem to want to know?! They’ve refused to even do Hcg blood draws to see how my hcg is rising.

The only advice I’ve been given is to go to A&E if it becomes intense or I start bleeding.

I’m so frustrated and my anxiety is becoming unbearable (and is just making me hyper focus on it even more).

I just really needed to rant and to hopefully hear from people who may have experienced this and it all been fine?

Dear Kat,

Whispered congratulations on your pregnancy, I am so sorry to hear of your worries.

After an ectopic pregnancy, finding we are pregnant again can be a mix of emotions and I can completely understand your feeling nervous. It is perfectly normal to feel scared after the ordeal you have endured. I also felt twinges and aches after my ectopic pregnancy, particularly when I next felt pregnant. My mind started racing and I was only really able to relax to some degree after my early scan. It is a nerve-wracking time and you have friends here who understands how you are feeling.

Do you have a six week scan to aim for next week? As pain is so subjective, my advice would be to take the hospitals advice literally and if that pain worsens attend A&E.

I will be keeping fingers and toes crossed for you and am sending positive thoughts,

Much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards

During the coronavirus outbreak, The EPT team is still working hard to provide crucial information and support to women and families experiencing ectopic pregnancy as quickly and efficiently as we can.

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Thank you Karen.

I talked to my GP again today who got in touch with the gynecologist who agreed to examine me. She’s managed to convince the EPAC to bring my scan forward to this Friday. It’ll still be early (about 5+2 I think), so they may not be able to see anything conclusive, but I’m just relieved to be getting seen!

Hey Kat

I had exactly this a couple of weeks ago, I had my right tube removed in October then found out I was pregnant 3 weeks ago and was having lots of niggles/aches/pulling on left side where my remaining tube is. I called epu and so I was scanned at 5 + 5 and it’s in the right place! The consultant said the pain and sensation was probably because I ovulated from the left and you can get a little cyst and I would have been hyper aware of everything! So hopefully it’s just you ovulated from the right and that’s what you’re feeling. It’s so hard post ectopic. Now mines been confirmed as in the right place I just stress about miscarriage!

Thanks Mowakasha, it’s reassuring to hear that.

The gynecologist reckons it may be muscular or a cyst, but obviously they can’t know for sure without the scan, so I’m hoping that’s all it is!

I can absolutely understand your fear of miscarriage. It’s like we have extra hurdles that a lot of other people don’t worry about in the same way. I’m quite envious of all the women who are able to enjoy their pregnancies!

Hey! Did you have a scan?

I too am envious of people chilling through pregnancy! I had a scan today and saw a little heartbeat at 7 weeks plus 4 days. Just got to hope the next few weeks hurries up and all goes ok!

Good luck to you!!

I did yes, but they couldn’t see anything. I was only 5+1 though and the sonographer reckoned it was probably too early to see anything (especially as I reckon I ovulated a bit later than usual this month), however my 48hr hcg more than doubled so hopefully that’s a good sign. I’ve got another scan tomorrow (today?) where they’ll hopefully be able to tell for sure, but I’m absolutely bricking it!


Scan today has confirmed that it’s in the right place and that I ovulated from my right side, which explains the pains I’ve been getting there. I’ve got to go back in 10 days for a viability scan as no heartbeat yet, but for now I’m just incredibly relieved that it’s not another ectopic!

I’m also pregnant and getting pulling on my remaining side ! i done Ivf though but my mind is racing !!! I was worried that my epu won’t see me until 6 weeks im 4 weeks and 2 days today ! The worry is horrible but im glad to see others also getting aches that side to!

Congrats with yours being in the correct place !

Dear Kat and Mowakasha,

Congratulations on your pregnancies and for taking the time to post, it really does give hope to so many. I am sending positive thoughts for your next scans.

Dear Abilouise,

Whispered congratulations on your pregnancy too, generally you have a scan at 6 weeks as there is a reasonable chance of seeing the embryo at this stage. If you haven’t done so yet, book in for your early scan and I will keep sending those positive vibes.

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards

During the coronavirus outbreak, The EPT team is still working hard to provide crucial information and support to women and families experiencing ectopic pregnancy as quickly and efficiently as we can.

If we have been able to help you, are you able to help us with a small donation or by volunteering or fundraising?

Further information is available at

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We provide a call-back helpline service: 020 7733 2653

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Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team

I went in the early pregnancy unit tonight and they did a scan at 4 weeks 4 days and looks like the baby is where it should be so they have done a blood check so hopefully there doubling well! But he couldn’t see anything anywhere other than the uterus :crossed_fingers::rainbow: