8weeks pregnant after ectopic.. Still panicking

Hi all

I had an ectopic pregnancy back in November last year and had to have 2 shots of mex. so after the 6 month wait we are now pregnant again. I have already panicked quite a bit,. Been in A&E after some light bleeding, had an early scan at 6 weeks as I was a melting mess, and now had an 8week reassurance scan. All is fine on these scans showing it is the correct place. I am still panicking tho over every little pain I’m getting, and in my head I know it’s prob everything growing but I can’t help worrying and thinking the worst about everything!

Is anyone else like this? Is it something I will have all the way through the pregnancy or does it get better?!

Di x

Hi Di! Congrats!

After having an ectopic, it is totally normal to be worried! But, it is great that it’s in the right spot and growing! For me, I didn’t stop worrying until after the 20 week scan. And then I worried about new things! I’m now at 37.5 weeks, and now am worrying about breastfeeding and everything else that will have to be done!

So you might worry for a while, or you might relax sometime after the first trimester. It’s all normal. One thing I kept reminding myself was to try to stop worrying and enjoy being pregnant! We never have a guaranteed outcome, so why not enjoy the time we do have? Some days it was easy, and some days were full of worry, but it helped.

Thanks LilyKedd!

It’s reassuring to know that others are worried too and not just me! I’m trying to be positive and I’m so much better after the scans so I know it’s all ok. My work have been amazing in knowing what happened last time as soon as I was worried and had a little breakdown cry they told me to ring the doc and get advice and sent me home as soon as I had done so!! So I know they are on side and looking out for me which is a great help too! I just need to stay positive and think that what will be will be! Xxx