Hello everyone. I’m sure everyone in this forum can relate when I say I feel devestated. I lost my left tube to an ectopic in August 2017. I went on from this to have my 18 month old daughter conceived via my right tube in July 2019. Me and my partner started trying last month for a child and unfortunately its another ectopic pregnancy but this time in my right. I’m a complete mess and feel like I cry constantly. I’m devestated this has happened again. I feel so pregant and it’s a constant reminder. I’ve had no Bleeding what so ever, however I have a niggling pain I’d say 3/10 in my right side. My hcg was 5400 on Tues 19/01/21 and that’s when I had my first methotrexate. 3 days later on Friday my hcg is now 7800. I feel sick and I’m terrified I won’t be able to have further children naturally. I’ve still not bled and my niggle in my right is getting worse. I pray that this works. Has anyone been in a similar situation to me? How did you cope? And what was your situation like? Did you end up with surgery? Was you able to conceive afterwards from your only tube that had a previous ectopic? I feel so numb. I don’t know how to feel.
I’m really sorry that you are going through this. I’m in a similar situation. I’m waiting on my day 7 results following a methotrexate injection on Monday. This is my second ectopic and it’s in my last remaining tube - my first was 10 months ago. I’ve had no bleeding since the injection. My hormones were 3326 on Monday and up to 4500 on day 4 of the injection so I’ve been told a second dose or surgery are both possible depending on the results.
I felt crushed and completely empty at the start of the week. I’ve had lots of encouragement from others who have had two ectopics and gone onto have another child. I like you have one little one already and desperately want a sibling for my now three-nearly-four year old.
I did find some other posts of this forum from women who limited their intake of folate-rich food to give the injection the best chance of being effective- so I’ve been trying that too and drinking a couple of green teas a day as it is a folate suppressant. No idea if it will help me but I think its worth a shot.
You’re in my thoughts- I’ll keep checking this thread so let me know how you get on.
Dear Ally,
I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and losses, to experience one loss is difficult to deal with multiple losses is heartbreaking and my heart truly goes out to you.
Following methotrexate, the hCG level often rises on the day four blood test because the action of Methotrexate is not instantaneous, so the cells will have continued to divide for two or three days after the injection was given, and some cells release more hCG when they start to disappear. Your doctors are looking to see a drop in your hCG value of at least 15% between days four and seven. If there has not been a 15% drop, this is when the doctors will consider a second dose of Methotrexate or surgery.
To aid the methotrexate, you should stop taking any vitamins, minerals or other medicines unless you have been told by the doctors treating you to continue with them, as some medicines interfere with the effects of methotrexate. It is particularly important that you do not take any folic acid supplements until your doctors are sure that the drug has worked.
You should not do any heavy lifting or housework until the hCG levels are dropping consistently and should only undertake gentle exercise, such as walking, until the hCG is at non-pregnant level.
You should avoid sexual intercourse until your hCG is down to non-pregnant level.
Most people take time off from work initially and do not return to work for at least two weeks while the treatment begins to work. Your hospital can give you a certificate to refrain from work for your employers or the Department of Social Security, so you can claim sickness benefit if you are entitled to it.
In the first week it is important to avoid pain killers which fall into the NSAID group such as ibuprofen. The preferred painkiller is paracetamol and you should refrain from drinking alcohol until the levels have fallen to a non-pregnant state.
A few days after the injection, it is usual to begin to bleed and this bleeding can last between a few days and up to 6 weeks, however, It is not uncommon for women who have been treated with Methotrexate not to have any bleeding.
Women do conceive from the side of their ectopic pregnancy. Do not loose hope. I wish I had more tips for making the time pass for you. Try to keep your mind busy by reading or watching box sets. Sadly I do have to remind you to seek urgent medical advice with any worsening symptoms, but I am sending positive thoughts that your next blood test shows a reduction in hCG.
Sending much love and warm hugs,
Karen x
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
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Hi carlenef. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. It feels so nice to be able to talk to someone who will undoubtedly understand. I’m so sorry your going through this too. Our situation has so many similarities. To have to go through this again so soon must be so hard. Crushed and empty is a feeling I’ve felt all week. Although the past couple. Of days I’ve managed to take my mind off it.
Yes having a sibling for my little girl means alot to me. Me and my sister were so close. I lost my mum when I was 3 and my sister 4. And I just remember we always had each other. So I would like my little one to have that bond too.
This evening the doctor rang me with my results and my Hcg level is now 7400. He said its around 5 percent drop. He was hoping for at least 15 percent. So he said he has ordered the medication and when it is ready tomorrow the gynae unit will ring me. That feels like abit of a blow and I feel emotional again. I still have a niggling pain but nothing severe and still no bleeding. Did you get your results today also? Fingers crossed its better news.
The doctor hasn’t mentioned surgery to me yet. He seemed apologetic on the phone. Can hcg rise again after the 7th day? If you have taken methotrexate Or should it continue to go down. Is the 2nd dose my last option before surgery? My mind has a million questions now I’m off the phone to him. What if the Hcg level dosent come down enough. Would that mean surgery?
You are in my thoughts too. I will keep checking this post for your progress too. Would love to hear how you are getting on.
Hi EpT host 20,
thankyou for reading this post also and
Thankyou for all your information. It’s invaluable. I don’t suppose you have any answers to my questions above. I’m. Really hoping the second dose works. But now I’m scared my levels may rise again or not lower enough after this next injection. Would my option be surgery then?
Thanks again
Hi Ally
Its good to hear you got some kind of drop in levels even though it wasn’t the full 15%. I’ve heard that a second dose of methotrexate often works for people so if your doctors are suggesting it I’m sure they think there’s a chance. You really are in my thoughts - I hope it works out for you.
Unfortunately I had my remaining tube removed yesterday. It hadn’t ruptured but my hormones didn’t even drop by 1% on day 7 of testing and I was so afraid of a potential rupture with all the other surgeries I’ve already undergone that everyone was in agreement that this was the safest thing for me. As heartbroken as I am I’m also relieved to finally know where I stand and to not be in an ongoing limbo and constant fear of something going wrong. I have an ovary still and it looks healthy so once I’m fitter we will start to look into IVF. Luckily we’d saved up for my maternity leave so will use that money to cover the costs and see if that poses any luck for us.
Its great to connect with someone who understands the struggle of recurrent ectopics and the desire for another child. Do let me know how you get on. For now I’m dosed up on painkillers but at least I’m home as the surgery was far more straight forward this time round.
Carlene x
Hi Carlene,
I’m so sorry for your loss and what you are going through. I understand what you mean by no longer being in limbo. At least now you know where you stand and will in time, be able to come to terms with your situation. There is other options like you suggested so my fingers are crossed for you.
I have had some more bloods done yesterday and my second injection. Had the results from my blood test today and my hormone level is now 6000 ish. So there has been a good drop now. So another blood test for me on Friday for the 4th day one again.
Did you suffer any side effects from methotrexate? I feel nauseated, dizzy and have a temp. I had this last week and thought it was pregnancy symptoms. However, after this injection I have had constant nausea about 3 hours after having it. Struggling with eating too. It did wear off eventually and I felt better after 4 to 5 days.
I’ve been getting pain in my right side today. On and off. On a scale of 1-10 (10 the worst) it’s about a 4. I’m hoping it’s just a sign of things progressing. I’m just worried it may rupture. I’m hoping with the hormones coming down means the ectopic is shrinking? I suppose that’s a question for the doctor in the coming days. I did ask about if this didn’t work and he said my next option would be surgery. Things will be what they will be. It’s just a waiting game of torture isn’t it.
I will keep you updated with my results.
I hope you are getting plenty of rest and your family and friends are helping out with your little one where they can. Always here if you need a chat.
Kind regards
Hi Ally. Sorry for the delay in replying. I’ve been taking time to recover from surgery at home and start the emotional recovery process. I’ve started counselling too and have begun making enquiries about IVF to give myself some focus.
How have you been? I hope your hormones continued to drop and you’ve been doing okay. Do let me know.
Thinking of you
Hi Carlene and Ally,
I hope you don’t mind me wading in on this, but I found support in your messages after my news today. I found out I am pregnant only yesterday but after having had an ectopic last June/July, and having pain again, I was scanned today and nothing could be found in my uterus or remaining right tube. My levels are incredibly low but I am terrified. But more than anything, I am heartbroken. Like you both, I am desperate for a sibling to my little girl. I come from a big family and we are always there for each other. I never envisaged my daughter being an only child, and I feel absolutely consumed with guilt that I can’t give her a sibling - she would be the most wonderful big sister. I feel like I have failed her.
I am so sorry to hear what you have both been through - it’s a club nobody wants to be a part of. Carlene, have you had any luck looking up IVF? I don’t know if I can risk this again, but I equally don’t know if I’m ready to give up on extending our family.
My very best wishes to you both x
Hi Hope
So so sorry to hear what you are going through. Its very early days by the sounds of it. I know the wait is horrendous. My EPU were great and did scan me in the early days and kept doing it until my hormones reached 1700 and then 3600 when they finally found the ectopic. Until your levels are between 1500 and 2000 they don’t expect to see anything in your uterus. I really hope you get some positive news
I have three different IVF consultations booked for the next two weeks to get some opinions on my options. I’ll come back on here to let you know what they say
Carlene x