
Hi there!

Ive had an ectopic pregnancy in the past but no shoulder tip pain.

Now im having shoulder tip pain… maybe?? Not sure not quite the tip…quarter of the way in and slightly more over the ridge (best way to explain it)

Im super paranoid. It feels like a bruise and when i press it… which i constantly am…it feels like when you press a bruise! … no bruise…

Is this what shouder tip pain feels like?

Dear Elle1990,

I am sorry to hear of your concerns,

I have taken this information from our website and we have more information on symptoms of ectopic pregnancy here-


Significant shoulder tip pain tends to develop with other symptoms such as feeling unwell, abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding, faintness, abdominal bloating and fullness, pain when opening your bowels.

It is caused by internal bleeding irritating the diaphragm (the muscle in your chest which helps you to breathe) when you breathe in and out. Shoulder tip pain is exactly where it says – not the neck or the back but the tip of your shoulder. If you look to the left over your shoulder and then cast your eyes down, the tip of your shoulder is where your shoulder ends and your arm starts.

Shoulders cause pain when we are stressed because we hold ourselves more rigidly and muscles in the back and neck go in to spasm or you may have slept in an awkward position – this is most likely not shoulder tip pain related to an ectopic pregnancy. Shoulder tip pain is very distinctive. You know when you have it because it is a very weird pain you have probably never experienced before.

If you are pregnant and have concerns I would advise seeking medical advice. In the UK, you can speak to your GP, contact you local out of hours provider or with severe symptoms visit A&E.

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards

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Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team