two ectopics in a row- different sides!

Hello all,

I just found out yesterday about a second ectopic in my left tube (5w2d) and was treated with methotrexate. In January, I had my first ectopic in my right tube (other side!) and it was successfully treated with two rounds of methotrexate. I have no risk factors that I am aware of other than being 38 and a little over weight. The doctor seem to think it was explainable that I would get two in a row on different sides. In 2016, my son was born, so everything worked right that time (except that he was a preemie at 34 weeks but all was fine after a little stay in the NICU)!

Has anyone had a similar experience?

Cheers to you all on here bravely dealing :slight_smile:

Dear liler810,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancies and losses. To experience one loss is difficult to deal with multiple losses is heartbreaking and my heart truly goes out to you.

Your doctor is correct in that there is often no reason found to explain why we experience ectopic pregnancy.

If you have more questions regarding your fertility, I would advise directing them at your doctor as unfortunately I am not medically trained and we do not have access to your medical notes.

As a gentle reminder following methotrexate, you should wait until your hCG levels have fallen to below 5mIU/mL (your doctor will advise you when this is through blood tests) and then take a folic acid supplement for 12 weeks before you try to conceive. This is because the Methotrexate may have reduced the level of folate in your body which is needed to ensure a baby develops healthily. The Methotrexate is metabolised quickly but it can affect the quality of your cells, including those of your eggs and the quality of your blood for up to three months after it has been given. The medicine can also affect the way your liver works and so you need to give your body time to recover properly before a new pregnancy is considered. A shortage of folate could result in a greater chance of a baby having a neural tube defect such as hare lip, cleft palate, or even spina bifida or other NT defects. This is why the “wait” and then taking folic acid for 12 weeks before trying to conceive is so important.

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards

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I hope your healing well now after your second ectopic!! I’m going through exactly the same thing. Had an left tubal ectopic in October 2019 treated with methotrexate. Found out I was pregnant last week and had some pains yesterday which I tried to ignore then started bleeding (the typical brown watery discharge) My 6 week scan is now today at 12 m, I’m 5+2. I’m 100000% sure it’s happening again it’s EXACTLY the same as my previous although it’s on the right side whereas my last ectopic was on the left.

I am extremely lucky and do have three children (three separate pregnancies) all were delivered by csection. I now feel like I’m out for good as I feel I clearly have a problem with my tubes!!

Also to anyone reading this who is going through similar god us women are made of tough stuff!! xxx