Hi there, I’m just over a week on from surgery to remove part of my left tube, still very sore on that side but for the last day and a half have had twinges and very mild pain that comes and goes on my right side. I’m little unsure why the pain isn’t just on the left I just wondered if anyone else experienced this post op and if it’s to be expected? Any advice much appreciated xxxxx
I had surgery 4 days ago and I’ve felt pain on my left side also, sent me into an absolute panic incase they removed the wrong tube. I’ve had no after care information so have no idea what I’m supposed to be experiencing and what’s normal
Hi I’m very sorry for your loss, I too had no after care advice not even if my stitches were dissolvable or not. I started to bleed and also panicked as nobody had warned me that this might happen. I wonder if anybody who might read this can help us in anyway on if this is normal I know that everything is very tender and I’m still v swollen xxx
I’m really swollen too, im bleeding a fair amount also which they didn’t say anything about but this is when I would be due a period so I’m not sure if I am just having a period or if it’s bleeding from everything.
Hi I stopped bleeding after 4 days, I looked into it and it’s something that happens after, i found it a bit scary but luckily lots of posts on similar things helped. Almost two weeks on I’m able to move about slowly and am quite stiff in my abdomen which feels like cramp at times but perhaps it’s due to the muscles are being used again. I hope you are doing ok xxxxx
Hi, I’m a month on from my operation and like you felt twinges on the opposite side of the tubal removal. I still get it now and again. I guess it’s part of the body healing and recovering but I’m sure it will calm down eventually.
I also have had very little information and no follow up so ended up back at hospital twice in the weeks after surgery because the bleeding was so heavy.
I’m so sorry for your loss, it really shocks me how little support there is post operation, I hope you are doing okay x
Alex thanku for your reply about this, I’m so sorry you had to go back to double check about the bleeding, it’s very stressful having to go back especially when feeling sore and it’s upsetting that it perhaps could have been prevented by proper after care advice or an outpatient appointment. I called the paramedics when I got out as I was bleeding heavily after the op so you don’t know if it’s to do with the op itself.
I really do wonder at why there isn’t a follow up to check post op? I was quite upset about it afterwards, I’m so glad you replied, and hope that your twinges are settling down and bleeding.
I plan to return to work after 2.5 weeks, as I think it’s too soon for me at the moment, Emotionally it’s also difficult xx
I don’t know either but it would really help if there was a bit more support post op. I’ve found there’s so much to deal with, it’s not just physical recovery from the surgery, for a start there’s so much hormonal change. I think I’ve found most of my information from here and Dr Google!
It was my first day back at work today and found it really hard. So much has happened since I was last at my desk. If you can take as much time as you need - unless work gives you a welcome distraction. I was off for just over 4 weeks and still not ready, I’m sure it will get better over time x
Yes info from here is such a help. It took a bit of courage to post something at first but I really needed to speak to others in same situation. It’s good that you have a desk job, I have that too, it means that you aren’t on your feet too much? I hope that they are supporting you there. I’m not ready, one min I feel ok and the next I can be very sad, do you still get tired out? I imagine that a day at work it would take a lot of energy xxx
It’s good that you did, I’ve found it very lonely and isolating as it’s such a hard thing to talk about with others who are not close.
Yes sat down all day so physically it’s not too bad. I commute on the tube in London which was a bit more tiring than usual but okay. I hope you don’t have to travel too far, or if you do you can drive.
It’s just emotionally tough as I have too much time to think. Cried as soon as I got home as had bottled it up all day! I hope you will have support too, but I would try and forget about work while you are off and concentrate on getting yourself better x
Yes it’s very personal, and private thing. I hope that your day at work today is easier for you. I normally walk to work and down a steep hill, so I think I will be driving at first.
I know what you mean about time to think, i do this too, I can get very worried about things and try to distract myself but I also need time to process it and don’t want to move on too quickly either.
I was thinking of trying meditation as it might help a bit I don’t know xxxx
I had the exact same thing. Very little information after the op - just kinda got sent home. The nurse said “oh great you’ve been glued up - no stitches!” But when I got home there ARE stitches, which I’m assuming must be dissolvable but it’s stressing me out a little as to whether or not they need to be removed??? I’ve booked myself an appointment with my GP as a kind of follow up for peace of mind next week.
I also had really heavy bleeding (bright red, blood clots etc) right on the time I should have had my normal period if this hadn’t happened (it’s like my body is ignoring the whole thing). I rang up my doctors and they said just to monitor it. The bleeding has slowed down now but it’s very scary. A lot of things happening to my body and I really feel the same as you. Most information I’ve found online and even when I rung the hospital they just referred me to this website… very stressful
I had surgery 4 days ago and I’ve felt pain on my left side also, sent me into an absolute panic incase they removed the wrong tube. I’ve had no after care information so have no idea what I’m supposed to be experiencing and what’s normal
Also - I had the same thing. Pain and discomfort on the left side but they removed the right tube… also the cuts are on my left side. I had the same panic!
I had an ectopic pregnancy August last year. I had my left tube removed but had and still have pain and twinges on my right side. I went to my gp and they have said it’s just healing pains. Which doesn’t make sense to be on the opposite side. I had a scan a few months after to check everything was ok as when I had a scan before my ectopic was discovered they had said I had a pregnancy cyst in my right ovary which will go away on it’s own after pregnancy. So my gp thought maybe the pain was due to the cyst. The lady who carried out the scan after my opperation said there was no cyst there now but the pain could be to do with bowel movement and scar tissue from the opperation.
I have also read that your stomach is a lot more sensitive after an ectopic pregnancy as your more aware of everything there due to what you have been through. Which makes sense as I now I feel when I ovulate which I never did before and I have even worse period pain than I did before.
Sorry if I’ve rambled on and not made much sense. Just thought it was worth sharing incase it helps anyone xx
Dear Hayley1,
I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss. Thank you also to the ladies who have responded to this post.
It is normal to feel pain following surgery for ectopic pregnancy, and we have more information on what to expect on our website here-
https://ectopic.org.uk/patients/your-bo … pregnancy/
Whilst I do not wish to alarm you, if you find that you have an increased body temperature of more than 37°C or offensive smelling discharge or the wound site starts oozing or feels hot to touch, please do get medical attention as soon as possible as these can be signs of infection.
Experiencing an ectopic pregnancy is a huge ordeal and you are in the early stages of recovery. Your body needs time to heal from your surgery which is in itself a gruelling task. You have also had to process the loss of your baby and been through an immense rollercoaster of emotions - all of this will take time to come to terms with.
You should take it very easily for about six weeks after surgery. Your body will be using its energies to heal internally. It is normal to feel physically and emotionally exhausted during this time and please do be kind to yourself. Recovery can take time and some days will be better than others, one day you maybe ok and the next you maybe in discomfort or more emotional. This is perfectly usual and the healing process will go back and forth in this way for however long you need. It is important to listen to your body’s signals and pain and feeling tired are your body’s signs to tell you to rest. We suggest keeping a healthy balanced diet, drinking lots of water and resting. Once your wounds have healed, very gentle exercise such as a short walk can help, but please do take this slowly.
Sending much love and warm hugs to you all,
Karen x
The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1071811
If we have been able to help you, are you able to help us with a small donation or by volunteering or fundraising?
Further information is available at ectopic.org.uk
Email us: ept@ectopic.org.uk
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Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team
Before I had emergency surgery to remove my left tube and ectopic foetus I had pain on the centre and right. Now post surgery I’ve goot pain and bruising on the right. Why does this happen it’s weird.