So I first fell pregnant in October and was 2 days away from my 12 week scan in January before having some bleeding. Convinced I was having a miscarriage (as I had no other symptoms) before being called for another internal scan to be told it was a very large right ectopic pregnancy which I needed to be removed without delay at 12+4 weeks.
I struggled for a good 6 weeks before going back to work. I was an emotional wreck! Whilst I’m still not over the loss of our Summer Rose, I was still keen to try again and having been discharged from outpatients, was given the go ahead to start TTC after 3 periods.
Well, I actually can’t believe it but having only started TTC in April, this morning I took a pregnancy test which has come back positive! I’m excited but also terrified that something might go wrong!
I’ve completed a self referral with my previous history and should therefore be contacted about having an early scan but the next few weeks are going to be awful! I don’t know whether paying for a private scan asap would be advisable as I don’t know if it’s just too soon to see anything for sure (I’m 4+2 weeks). If anyone else has had them this early please let me know whether you would advise it.
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope everything goes well this time and you have your baby in your arms in eight months time.
According to my doctor, 6 weeks is definitely early enough to have an ultrasound to check if everything is in the right place. He would even recommend 5 weeks. So if you can afford it, I would definitely have the scan asap so you have peace of mind.
After an ectopic pregnancy, finding we are pregnant again can be a mix of emotions and I can completely understand your feeling nervous. It is perfectly normal to feel scared after the ordeal you have endured. It is a nerve-wracking time and you have a friend here who understands how you are feeling.
Speaking from UK medical practice and standards, usually doctors carry out an internal transvaginal scan at around six weeks with subsequent pregnancies after an ectopic. This is because there is a reasonable chance at six weeks of seeing an embryo around this six week mark.
Whilst I do not wish to alarm you, I sadly have to remind you that if you experience any bleeding, abdominal pain, shoulder tip pain or feel dizzy and unwell please seek urgent medical advice.
Sending much love and positive thoughts,
Karen x
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I called the EPU yesterday and they said I needed a referral from my GP. Called my GP and they did the referral for me. Today I had a call from the EPU who have booked me in for a scan at 9am on Monday morning. So relieved to have heard something and knowing I don’t have too long to wait! I will let you all know how it goes xx
Babies growing in the right place and all measurements were good with my dates etc. Such a relief. Got my 11-13 week scan on 17 July. Seems such a long way off but I’m feeling a lot less stressed and nervous than I was xx