Pregnancy of Unknown Location.


I am in a real state. Two weeks ago today I tested positive and was over the moon to discover I was pregnant at 48 years old; it was the last thing I expected really. After years of trying for a second child I gave up at around 45, so it’s been a shock. Despite this, we knew we would be ok, despite us being of ‘advanced maternal age’!

Move forward 2 weeks and I was 6 weeks and 4 days and decided to have an early private scan for reassurance. That was yesterday and I was so upset to hear that I have a PUL. I have been to my GP today and she referred me to the epu, for which I have an appointment at 9.15 tomorrow. I’m so upset because of the unknown aspect, but also frightened that I have an ectopic pregnancy which will rupture before I get to see the right people.

All my pregnancy tests are positive, I did one today which was a dark line straight away. I have had no bleeding or spotting, breasts are very sore and I’m needing the loo constantly. I know I have my dates right, because I monitor my cycle : my lmp was 25/1 and I know the pregnancy will have been from the day we did the deed, which was 11/2, so this means I am 7 weeks tomorrow.

I don’t know why I’m writing on here really, I know that nobody can give me any answers, but I needed to get it off my chest to people who know what I’m going through.

Thanks for reading.

Smark x

Hi Smark

This is a scary situation to be in, i know i have just been through this myself.

Good Luck for tomorrow, they may do an internal scan & see if they can see anything and will check your hcg level.

Dont panick but be prepared and take a hospital bag with you just incase x

Thanks for your reply.

I had my appointment this morning at epau. They did another scan, which was unchanged - no evidence of pregnancy at 7 weeks, every thing looking normal with some free fluid in pouch of douglas.

They took a blood test and called me this afternoon to say my level was 1450 and that they would like me to return in 49 hours for another blood test. She said the results of bloods was inconclusive and that I could still have an ectopic.

Does anyone know what that level means? She did say anything over 2000 and they would have asked me to return on the same day. In the mean time I am feeling so frightened of a possible rupture. I have an emergency number in case of pain, but every time I get a sharp pain I feel scared. I have had no spotting/bleeding, but have had what I would describe as period-like cramping. If I hadn’t gone for an early private scan I would still be assuming I was pregnant!

I don’t know how I will get through the next 48 hours and feel like I am waiting for something to happen.

Thanks for reading.


Hi Smark,

So sorry you are going through this, I’ve recently gone through an ectopic so very much know how difficult it is to wait the 48 hours between tests. I also was worried at every pain and all I can say is that the nurses I experienced on the EGU ward fully understand that what you’re going through is very stressful, so don’t ever worry about calling up…

As for the hormones, as they rise your pregnancy is theoretically getting bigger, so I assume the ones over 2000 are just higher risk. They wouldn’t send you home if they thought there was a good chance you were going to rupture xx

Maybe write down every question that comes into your head about this all so you can ask them when you are next in… I had so many through mine and would always get stressed and forget when I went into the ward. I found I started worrying a lot less when i knew exactly what everything meant, once my little list was answered.

Sending my support xx

Thank you for taking the time to reply to me aestr0.

I am confused about a lot of things, so making a list is a good idea.

Was your ep found on TVS in the end?


No worries, I found the hardest part was that friends could never really understand the worry, thats why this forum is so good.

I had 2 scans, the first one showed a small mass in my right tube, and the second one showed nothing even though my levels were rising still. So I never really knew to be honest, but they intervined with methotrexate even though they couldn’t be fully sure xx

I have been doing lots of research because of my current situation and if you are not at least 2000 hcg, do not make any decisions as it is really too early to see anything definite on a scan.

~Virtual Hugs sent

Good Morning lovely,

Firstly I would just like to say I hope you are okay and I am really sorry for jumping the thread. But I am going through this myself at the moment, so I thought I would share with you. This was my first pregnancy, myself and OH started trying after xmas after having my copper coil removed.

Okay here goes… So, I found out I was pregnant on Saturday 25th Feb… obviously was over the moon. Went to GP the following Wednesday, got referred for midwife etc (would of been 5 weeks on that Wednesday 1st march), on the Thursday started spotting – long story short then just went downhill from there. Was at A + E on the Sunday (5th April), they couldn’t tell me much so referred me to the early pregnancy unit. Went there on the Tuesday (7th) for bloods, bloods were showing a low level of the pregnancy hormone, so again they couldn’t really confirm much, had to go back in 48 hours for more bloods, in that time I’d got worse and lost more blood etc – my bloods showed the hormone level dropping – so they confirmed we were losing the baby. Had to go back after another 48 hours to make sure the levels carried on decreasing – they didn’t, they got higher – which is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy… went back on Monday to see if my level is coming down and had a scan, scan showed there was no sign of a normal pregnancy left, but my hormone was still rising (gradually, which is deffo the sign of ectopic?) – so basically they had me come back in on Monday to see a senior doctor who confirmed it is a ‘pregnancy of unknown location’ – which is basically like a 1% chance of that happening!?! :frowning:

Then yesterday I went back for 7 day bloods, level is gradually rising (they think?!) - so another set of bloods in 48 hours and then if its still rising then I will have to have the methotrexate!!! :frowning:

Just devastated really and in shock. It was hard enough dealing with a regular miscarriage, but now the loom of this is just the worst :frowning: hoping it resolves on its own and that there is minimal lasting damage and we can go on to conceive normally. just trying to keep my mind occupied whilst resting?!!?

Hi Disneydreamer17,

I know it has been a couple of years since this has happened to you but I wondered if you could let me know what your outcome ultimately ended up being. I myself am currently experiencing a pregnancy of unknown location and going the expectant management route and currently suffering from anxiety over the unknown.

Hi, have I’ve just had a PUL 5 weeks ago which ended up being an ectopic after a week and going back & forward for scans and bloods. Feel free to ask any questions. I hope you’re ok x