Hi everyone,
So I after I had my ectopic pregnancy in May 2020, and after me and my husband had decided to try again, all I wanted was to hear successful pregnancies post ectopic pregnancy. So I hope my story helps someone’s positivity/outlook.
My Ectopic Pregnancy
I was 9 weeks 5 days pregnant, we had told our parents we were expecting our first child a couple of weeks prior. I woke up in severe pain and collapsed as I got out of bed.
Not being able to move without passing out an ambulance came and rushed me off for emergency surgery. At the time they said it could be my appendix or an ectopic.
When I woke from surgery, I straight away asked the obvious question, one I can’t bring myself to type out but the answer haunts me even now.
I had lost a lot of blood internally and had my left tube removed.
I remember not wanting to speak to or see my family or husband afterwards because quite frankly, I was traumatised. This was during the panic, so I spent some time in hospital, seeing my husband once when he dropped me off some clothes.
Getting pregnant after ectopic pregnancy and surgery
I felt so much pressure to get pregnant again, with feeling that i had already failed once and to be honest I felt ashamed in myself.
We tried for 3 months and each month I would be devastated when the tests were negative or when my period would come.
My best friend was pregnant and due 2 weeks after I would have been. I found out the same day I told her what had happened to me.
I couldn’t help it, but I sort of hated her for a while. I cried for hours after I found out.
I went to her baby shower a few months later and it was so difficult. One of her friends knew I was married and jokingly said we should have planned it so we were pregnant at the same time. I burst into tears and had to leave.
By this time we had already been trying 2 months to get pregnant again.
I was constantly tracking my periods, feelings, throughout the month, logging whether I felt sick, how spotty I was everything- just to try to tell if I was going to come on my period or not. I would get super stressed around the fertile window and pressure myself so much with getting pregnant again.
The 3rd month I deleted the tracker apps, didn’t record anything and just made a note of my fertile window. I had decided to change my thought process and convince myself that ‘it will happen when it will happen’.
Which I’m sure a lot of people on here will understand how difficult that is.
On that 3rd month we got pregnant again, we had early scans through the NHS and everything seemed to be going well.
In July 2021 our little boy was born
Even though we have their little brother at home with us now, I still think our little lost baby every single day.
I guess I just want to say, be kind to yourself. Take the time you need to recover. Even though we tried for another pregnancy quite soon after, I know for a fact that I was definitely not mentally ready the first 2 months.