Hi, I have not posted on a board before. I’m been reading so many throughout my experience that I thought I should contribute although my case is unresolved right now. I feel so unemotional about the whole ordeal at this point because I’m tired of feeling, it’s been quite depressing.
1/11 – LMP
2/7 – first faint positive test
I continued testing for several days and it never did “turn” dark although it did get a little darker. Because of this I felt like something was “off” about this pregnancy.
2/19 – heavy bleeding began (ended on 2/24) Called my doctor, we both assumed miscarriage so we determined to do bloodwork to confirm
2/20 – bloodwork beta hcg of 43
2/22 – bloodwork beta hcg of 52
2/28 – doctor told me I had definitely miscarried but wanted to continue testing betas
3/3 – bloodwork beta hcg of 295
3/4 – severe cramping and contraction like pain
3/6 – bloodwork beta hcg of 535; doctor thought maybe this is a viable pregnancy
3/8 - ultrasound showed early gestational sac (empty). Doctor does not know if it is an ectopic, miscarriage (incomplete) or a normal pregnancy
Doctor suggested we scan again on the 22nd to see if any progress was made in the sac.
3/11 - began bleeding again, no clots just bright red. Still bleeding right now.
I would love to hear thoughts and opinions as this wait is torture.
Thanks in advance!