I had surgery for a really traumatic ectopic pregnancy in January and we have been trying again since March with no luck. I’m lucky enough to have one beautiful boy age 4 who was conceived with no complications, but also suffered a miscarriage between having my son and the ectopic. This cycle my period is a couple of days late, but all pregnancy tests are coming back negative. However I am experiencing crushing tiredness and fatigue which I’ve had during all previous pregnancies. With my previous ectopic I had what I thought was a period at the usual but very watery, and also had negative pregnancy tests so had no idea I was pregnant or anything was wrong until around 6 weeks when I collapsed when the tube began to rupture and I lost a lot of blood. A test only showed positive at that point. I am now terrified this late period could be the start of another ectopic, i.e. fertilisation has occurred but low hcg levels. I can’t bear the thought of waiting until I am potentially in pain again as I still feel quite traumatised by my previous experience and surgery. Would the GP be able to perform a blood test asap in the next few days to determine any HCG? I’m also due to start a new exciting job soon and unfortunately the constant worry and panic about ectopic pregnancy and also trying to maintain a ‘pregnant’ lifestyle just in case - i.e. not drinking, missing out on social occasions e.g. hen dos, no intensive exercise, avoiding hot baths, caffeine, not even dying hair etc is really starting to get me down and I feel like I can’t live a normal life. Sorry for the long post. Thanks