Dear Yas2017,
Your periods can take a while to re-establish - they can re-start anything between two and ten weeks after surgery and most women find that their period arrives sometime around week six or seven after surgery.
The first period may be more painful or less so than usual, heavier or lighter, last for longer or shorter than usual – there really is no set pattern. You should be able to manage the discomfort with over-the-counter pain relief and should not be soaking a pad in less than an hour. If this is not the case, you should seek medical attention.
I thought I’d mention that before having a period you have to ovulate and it is possible to become pregnant without having a proper period first, if you are not using contraception. If you have had unprotected intercourse, I would recommend taking a home pregnancy test, if this is negative, repeat it in 2weeks. If it is positive, please seek medical advice.
Whilst I do not wish to alarm you, if you experience any unusual bleeding, abdominal pain, shoulder tip pain, bladder or bowel problems or feel dizzy and unwell please seek urgent medical advice.
As a gentle reminder regarding conceiving again, we and many medical professionals advise waiting for two menstrual cycles. This “wait” is to allow your cycles to resume and have a last menstrual period date from which to date a new pregnancy - important information for checking for ectopic pregnancy in the future. It also allows time for your emotions to surface and be worked through after your ordeal.
Sending much love,
Karen x
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Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team.