Pain on other side to ectopic after surgery


I had an ectopic treated with MTX which failed and then surgery. I had my right tube removed.

I’m 6 weeks post op and I’m having very similar pains to how my ectopic started but on my left side where my tube remains. It feels achy and can sometimes feel really pinchy. I had a tiny bit of brown spotting today too.

I had my first period 4.5 weeks post surgery so I’m now around CD11. I don’t usually ovulate until CD17/18.

Can anyone help with their experience or what I should do?

Dear Ltay,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy loss and continued discomfort.

Experiencing some pain after an ectopic pregnancy is normal as your body has been through a great deal over the last few months. It is common for women and people to feel pain when the body may be preparing to ovulate and many women and people experience ovulation pain when they did not before their ectopic pregnancy - including myself. You also may have a heightened perception because of the sad loss that you have had to go through. If you find you experience offensive smelling discharge or an increased temperature of more than 37°C or just want to be checked out to be on the safe side, it would be worth asking your doctors to run tests to check for infection. I

Your periods can take a while to get back to a rhythm that is more usual for you. I also found that my periods changed for a few months after my losses so it is possible you are ovulating even though you are not expecting to just yet.

If the pain persists, I suggest keeping a pain diary noting when the pain appears, the intensity on a scale of 0-10 and anything that helps the pain eg resting, hot water bottle, paracetamol etc. Visiting your doctors with this information helps them to assess how best to manage your symptoms.

I hope you don’t mind me mentioning, but if there is a chance that you could be pregnant and you are experiencing new pain, please seek urgent medical advice.

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

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