Pain 4 months on

Hi everyone, I had an ectopic pregnancy and left tube removal in August this year. I recovered physically after about a month with no aches and pains (apart from an infection in my stitches)

For the last 3-4 weeks I’ve had a really achey pain on the same side as my ectopic, at the very least it’s like a heavy ‘period’ like feeling before u come on, but I’ve also had shooting pains on and off and even burning sensations. I went to the doctors and they said it’s more than likely scar tissue/adhesion pain and or my bowel shifting…the pain was initially on and off and wasn’t bothering me that much, however in the last 2 days I’ve been in quite a bit of pain, especially in my lower back on the same side. (In fact my back hurts more that my abdomen) I had a scan at the hospital on Monday and the lay said she couldn’t see anything suspicious, and said it looked like I ovulated a day or so ago from my right side. (I’m due on on Boxing Day, which makes sense.) however as that’s my good side it wouldn’t explain it as ovulation pain.

I feel well in myself, don’t have a temp and my blood pressure is fine and I’m definitely not pregnant again, I have had a very slight urine infection but that’s only been in the last few days and wouldn’t explain why I’ve been having these pains for weeks.

Has anyone had these sorts of pains but months later?? I feel like the doctor things I’m making it up!!! Xx

I went back to the doctors and she prescribed me the IBS medicine buscapan which to be honest I have no idea why.

Dear Ella13,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss and your ongoing discomfort.

Unfortunately I am not medically trained so cannot give you specific information on your symptoms.

From a personal point of view, I too suffered with pains for up to a year after my ectopic pregnancy, like you these were investigated but a cause was never identified.

Experiencing some pain after an ectopic pregnancy is normal as your body has been through a great deal over the last few months. The most common reasons for pain due to adhesions (scar tissue that binds two parts of the body together) which form and take some time to settle. Your body may be preparing to ovulate and many women experience ovulation pain when they did not before their ectopic pregnancy - including myself. You also may have a heightened perception because of the sad loss that you have had to go through.

You have done the right thing in seeking medical advice and having investigations, whilst I understand your concern, that like me, there seems to be no definite diagnosis.

Can I suggest keeping a pain diary noting when the pain appears, the intensity on a scale of 0-10 and anything that helps the pain eg resting, hot water bottle, paracetamol, the new medication your Dr has just prescribed etc. Also note anything that aggravates the pain eg excercise, foods, sexual intercourse, change in bowel habits and it would also be worth noting where you are in your cycle at the time.

Visiting your doctors with this information helps them to assess how best to manage your symptoms.

Sending much love,

Karen x

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Hello Ella! How are you now!

Im so sorry for your loss. We share the same story. Im experiencing the same pain 3 months post op now.

How have you been? Hopefully, you are fine now.

Praying for all mommas out there who are suffering loss from EP. May God send us our rainbow babies in His time. Sending my love to you all.

Hi Ella,

I had a similar thought 5-6 months after my operation. While it was significantly better and I could walk mine was still tender and sore occasionally. I was told it was more than likely to be scar tissue and not to worry.

I couldn’t lie on my side for a good 7-8 months afterwards.

I also realised I was suffering from PTSD around this time and was having panic attacks out of the blue and night terrors. I went on medication and as soon as it kicked in I found that the pain reduced significantly. I wondered whether some of it was psychological.

I realised last night that most of my pain is gone 8 months on.
