One ectopic, another possible ectopic, now what?

Wondering if anyone has been through something similar or has some advice. I had an ectopic pregnancy in January this year that was treated with MTX and resulted in rupture and removal of my tube. Then in early June, tested positive on a HPT but my HCG levels hovered at 45-65 for about 3.5 weeks before they dropped down to zero on their own. Scans never found anything in my uterus or tube so no one can tell me where that pregnancy was. The Dr at EPAC told me we could just try again, but I pushed for a Hycosy so will be doing that in a couple of weeks time. I’m just not sure where we go from here. Do we just try again and hope for the best? Hoping someone who has been through something similar might have some advice.

Dear Bluey,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancies and losses, to experience one loss is difficult, to deal with multiple losses is heartbreaking and my heart truly goes out to you.

Unfortunately I cannot give you specific advice as I am not medically trained however I would suggest trying again once you have had two periods. You may wish to wait however until you have had your procedure in a few weeks just to be on the safe side.

People are able to try to conceive again during their next menstrual cycle after a tubal patency test unless medical professionals suggest a longer wait time. It has been claimed that pregnancy rates are increased in a cycle when a tubal patency test has been performed.

There are unfortunately limitations with a tubal patency test as they cannot provide complete peace of mind. Even if a tubal patency test shows an open Fallopian tube, it does not show whether it will work – only a normally located pregnancy can show that at least one Fallopian tube worked.

The test is not 100% accurate as the Fallopian tubes can go into spasm during the test and can appear blocked even though this is not the case. This can cause unnecessary anxiety if the Fallopian tube is affected by spasm but in face is actually working normally.

The test cannot determine what the internal villi of the Fallopian tube look like.I

If you sadly go on to having a further ectopic pregnancy, I would certainly ask to be referred to a fertility specialist but in the meantime, provided you haven’t been told otherwise, it seems you are ok to carry on, but as I have previously said, I would wait until after your procedure.

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

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Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards

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